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I had A LOT OF FUN yesterday...


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So Friday night I go out for a night Mountain bike ride with some of my buddies that I haven't ridden with in a while... Crossing a difficult log about 3 miles into the ride my front wheel catches a mini stump on the back side, and over the bars I go, landing on the end of my handlebar into my left rib cage... INSTANT pain and it is VERY hard to breath. So after several minutes of laying there and assessing the damage, one of my compadre's and I WALK the three miles out of the woods to pavement where I re-mount the bike and ride to the truck. I'v had busted ribs before and this feels like either a break or torn tissue...


So I go home, shower, and take a huge dose of motrin with a Jack Daniels Chaser... Donna puts me to bed...all is well, as long as I don't do anything... like sleep, or breath...


Saturday morning I find myself up around 0800 and I'm out in the yard slinging gravel for the garage by 0930. By 12 noon I'm beat. Saturday afternoon I load up the ZX9R Ninja onto my car trailer, and prep my gear for the track day event at Summit point. NESBA (North East Sport Bike Association) is holding a track day event and 1st timers get a free half day session for coming to check it out... SO I'm off to West Va. on Sunday morning...


04:30 Donna rolls me out of bed, dresses me, loads me into the truck and off we go. Get there by 0645 and get unloaded, past registration and tech by 0730.


After a LONG drivers meeting, we get on the track for our first 20 minute session. I hadn't been on a road coarse in nearly 5 years...OH baby!!! It was awesome and awkward all at the same time. 2nd session was much better on the 1 mile short track (Jefferson Circuit as opposed to the main circuit which is 2.1 miles). I found myself dragging boots and pegs, knees, as well as hitting 110 mph down the back straight. It was AWESOME!!! I'm gonna get a beat up superbike and use it as a race only motorscooter... Drove harder yesterday than I have since getting back on a motorscooter. Nothing like wheeling onto the front straight from 2nd to 3rd... rockon.gif


Did I mention I'm so sore today I can't hardly move my left side... bicycles will be the death of me...


Mike 2thumbs.gif

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Mike, I'm such a pain-baby - I would NEVER think about mountain biking after hearing all your stories. Good thing you didn't get hurt so bad that you missed the track day!


Sounds like you're now moving into higher speed two wheeled stuff. But sliding on the pavement with the right equipment on your body may be preferable to mountain biking, injury wise?


Sounds like the track day was a blast. I'm hoping to be at a track day this fall at Summit Point with the Z. You've got me thinking about that again!


Glad you didn't get hurt too bad and got to get out on the track!

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Zero, I've actually got a garage full of bikes... I currently ride a Diamond Back XR model frame with Hayes Discs and a Manitou Carbon Fork. I ride all over Virginia. I also am a big road riding fan and have a Campy Record equiped 17# road bike... All carbon...


Pete, I could VERY easily get back into the motorcycle thing... Man that was so much fun... I'll absolutely be buying a track specific bike...


Mike 2thumbs.gif

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