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Ticket for tire chirp(worth going to court?)


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I was in my ford ranger driving in the outside lane and a car slowed to a stop and made a turn, I took off and for some reason there may have been some dust or something from the street sweeper and my tire spun a little and made a chirp when it grabbed(nothing excessive its not like I was doing a burn out) its so light in the rear when it rains I have trouble going up a hill without spinning. Anyways he pulled me over and gave me a ticket, the ticket says spinning tires, he wouldn't right "chirp". I was nice and tried to explain to him at first it was an acciden nicely then he started to write the ticket and said he never has trouble squealing his tires in his cop car, then calmly explained to him he has better weight distribution and posi, he said he doesn't have posi so I told him it was standard equipment on police cars and he does. I offered to let him drive my truck so he could see what I mean. He gave me the ticket and I went off, called him pig and was surprised I didn't get arrested but I just came back from a job interview, got the job, and I was having a great day until this prick came along.


Do I have a chance of getting off? I know it depends a lot on the judge cause this is a mickey mouse court system around here. One time when I got a ticket for doing 60mph coming off the interstate which was 70mph ON AN EXIT RAMP!!!! He was a total ******* and pretty much told me I would loose taking it to court so I went ahead and took the defensive driving, I thought he would throw it out once I explained to him the situation. I witnessed another judge let 3 different people who couldn't speak english off for not having a drivers license and just told them to get one within a month. NO FINE OR NOTHING. I had a ticket for not having insurance on a car because I bought it the day before and didn't get around to it.(I admit this was my fault for being lazy) but again this judge freaked out and started yelling at me and talked to the 3 people who didn't have licenses before me like they spilled a glass of milk or something.


Is there actually a law against squealing your tires? I wasn't accellerating excessively fast and the cop admitted that and was going well below the speed limit. My Z chirps in every gear with very little throttle. I'm sure if I drive my car by this pig he will give me a ticket in it to. And probably will pull me over evertime I try to leave cause it will keep doing it till i get arrested lol.


It's probably not going to be that high of a ticket but I need all the money I can get, and I also think it was rediculous and the cop didn't use any common sense what so ever.

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Guest Battle Pope

If the cop admitted you weren't speeding or showing excessive speed, then it's BS. I'd take it to court. There's no way that they can expect a (I assume) stock Ranger to behave like a police cruiser. It's rediculous. Even moreso that is was raining at the time.

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Guest Magnum Rockwilder

You pretty much put the nail in your own coffin by acting like an *******. The traffic cops are all familiar with the traffic court judge, so don't think the judge won't hear what you said.


You can go to court if you choose, and explain the situation. Under normal circumstances you would walk out with a verbal warning, but inthis case you're probably screwed.


It's always worth a try, though.

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Damn, I'm in the peculiar position of agreeing with magnum... You showed your *** and you expect what to happen when you go before the judge? You don't think the cop took notes?


Uh I'm facing reckless driving right now for grabbing second gear and spinning tires... I was polite and I hope it is reflected when I go to court because It is mandatory in Virginia.


I'd pay it and move on, and uh, I don't recommend acting like an *** the next time... Calling them names and acting up will likely only escalate the situation further...



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Mike, join the club !!!


i work for sbc, phoneman repairman, climbing poles all that stuff, couple months back, made a right turn from residential onto main street, in fully loaded down dodge van, with ladders on the rack.


i'm about 50 feet out, when i see deputy sherriff in camaro coming up on me like a bat out of hell, about 1/2 a block behind me, all of his lights on ( has roof light bar ),siren blaring, headlights flashing. i pull over to let him go by.


he jerks the wheel and skids in behind me. i'm thinking some snotty neighbor ( we are in the land of 5 million dollar homes ) called cops and said i was a burglar ( not to me, but it has happened to =guys i work with ).



comes to passenger door, lic and reg he says. i ask him why he pulled me over. took about 12 minutes before i got out of him that the right rear broke loose. i told him if it did, wasn't on purpose, must a been dirt or water ... he says, yeah right ... for not knowing what you were doing you were doing it pretty good.


he wanted to write me for exibihition of speed. a major ticket ... told me he did me a favor, wrote for unsafe start. on the ticket, he lied about my speed, the posted speed, that i was in a school zone ( school zone is 1/8 mile away ).

after i signed it, he told me he expected this from all the young punks ( he's about 28 ), but not from an old fart like me ( i'm 48 ), shoved the ticket at me, laughed and walked back to his camaro.


a few police friends of mine called it a C.S. ticket ... but with all the crap he put on there, school zone ect. no way to beat it ...


i took traffic school. keeps it off my record.


oh, my friends also told me, that since the taliban christians have taken over the us government... that the self rightous police officers are getting out of control, they frighten the good cops.


i recommend traffic school if you can.

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I once got a ticket for accelerating too quickly. No, I did not spin my tires, nor was I speeding. There was a work truck loaded down with scaffeling next to me, so I wasn't racing either. Anyways, the cop was a jerk and gave me a ticket that made no sense. I ended up paying court fees and for driving school, for a ticket that was BS and not even a real finable offense. This was in a basically stock 280ZX N/A.

They pretty much can do what they want to around here to. I get pissed about it, but was polite as can be. Some are A**holes, some are cool. Bummer you got the earlier.

Just my experience, in case it helps with your decision.


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Guest goldraven

You definitely have a good chance to get this thing dropped. Its a ranger, it was raining, if the judge has any sence they will let you off.



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explained to him he has better weight distribution and posi, he said he doesn't have posi so I told him it was standard equipment on police cars and he does.


Since you claim to know about police cars then you should also know that most police cars are equipped with something called a video camera and the tapes will almost always be played in court in front of the judge :) Just my .02 worth. Have a nice day.


Mike and Magnum were right with what they said.

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Guest bastaad525

As bad as you hear about California sometimes and California cops, I have never gotten any tickets like this even though I drive pretty liberally in my Z, and have been pulled over only to be verbally warned and sent on my way.


Just a few months ago I took off from a light and my tire got to spinning when boost came on... didn't speed though got up to the speed limit, 40mph and let off and just cruised... cop pulled me over asked what my hurry was... I told him sorry officer just having a little fun... you caught me... he just said yeah well if I catch you again I'll write you up next time, get out of here. I've had this happen like four times in the last two years....



Even with a handful of friends I have with fast cars or who drive like they have fast cars :P I haven't heard of anyone getting stupid tickets unless they were in Glendale/Burbank area (SoCal members will understand why these areas!).

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