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Jobs for a 14 year old?

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

I'm 14 and I really need some cash to put into my Z and other stuff. Problem is, legally I'm allowed to work at the age 14, but NO ONE I know of will hire 14 year olds and rarely 15 year olds that I have found. Anyone have any suggestions? I could wait till I can drive to start building up my cash for my car, but I'd rather start earlier and have some to work with. It SUCKS bein broke :mad: , especially when there's nothin you can do about it. And please no suggestions for mowing lawns or getting a paper route, which I've done both since I was like 7 and the money is not much at all, I used most all I saved over the years to get my Z.


I'm only allowed to work by law 3 hours a day during the school year which limits me a lot, but if you have an idea for a summer job by then I'll be 15 and able to work 8 hours a day by law in the summer. Thanks for any ideas.

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Guest jwelch

Hi Dan,


Have you decided what you want to do for a living after you get out of school? If so, I would try to find someone with an intern program that needs help. Alot of companies have intern programs you just have to find them. Check the Careers link on the companies home page to see if they have a program. Good luck with your Z and your job search.


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ah yes, i remember those days, just a few years ago for me. Don't underestimate mowing lawns. I made some serious money that way. I did it for a real estate agency, taking car of repossessed homes. I made $75 per house per month, just had to mow the lawn times a month and water the lawns. Usually worked out to be $10-15/hour (i did it with my friend, his dad was a real estate agent), but sometimes your limited in the amount of work you can get. Then we would get the clean ups, that were the real money was made. We could charge pretty much whatever we wanted. Typically $200 a job, for a day or two of work. You run into some useful stuff as well. I got a VW bug out of one, if I had known better I would have keeped it and made a sand rail or buggy. My buddy lost interest in the lawns, and wouldn't let my take over (dunno why). Then I worked for Little Caesar's (the beginning of my zcar fund) right around when I was fifteen and started delivering fliers door to door for them. I got that job because I put cars as a hobby on my app. and the manager there actually raced stock cars. That was only min. wage and about 2 hours a day, but better than nothing. When I was old enough I became a crew member and got more hours; and free pizza. Then I moved onto market research, kinda like telemarketing but with survey's instead. Which is what I do now. The place will hire 15 yearolds, not sure about 14, but it's worth a shot for you to look into. Plus my schedule is really flexable with school and changing schedules. Your best bet is to find a local business and just keep bugging them about a job.

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Guest Anonymous

Internship would be good experience for a future job when I'm in college, but I don't know what I want to do really, something technical and relating to math science but dunno what. And that wouldn't get me any money, since I don't get any allowance and haven't since I was bout 5 I want cash to do stuff with.


Kinked, this real-estate job you are talking about, how many times a month did they need mowing? Did you have to edge and trim around trees and all that stuff that takes time? And what are these clean ups your talking about? $200 for 2 days work = WOW to me I'd like that. I'm pretty experienced with mowing lawns, I have done it for several years now and have done a little bit on riding mowers too, it would be nice to get more than $3 a lawn (cheap neighbors!).

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Have you thought about working at a service garage. I doubt that they would have you rebuiding engines etc, but cleaning parts, basic stuff etc. The $$$ won't make you a millionaire, but think of the fringe benefits (access to tools, knowledge base from the mechanics, and good price on parts bought through the shop). Plus those guys usually have good leads on used parts from the industry.


Worth thinking about.


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Guest 280Tom'z

become an apprintance (helper) i'm 16 and was in your position not that long ago to buy my first Z that got wrecked. but i got into being a helper to a satalite installer and was making close to 300 to 400 a week or more some times and since your considerd a subcontractor you get paid by job compleated not hours worked so you can work as long and hard as you want to rake in the GREEN and now i'm up in the ranks in one of the top sat install companys in the nation not makin money now cause of my accident but when i start again will be making in excess of a grand a week depending on the work load i can handle. so look for a plumber or electricain or what not that needs help and see if they would like help or to train you to work for them.

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Guest Anonymous

Well all I gotta say is I am 18 and have been thru about 4 or 5 jobs. Just think of this you are 14 and if you can't find a job right now well just keep on mowing lawns and watering flowers and washing cars. Why? Because everythough you aren't making the big money, you are at least making money instead of sitting on your butt. Think about it. Sitting on your butt making no money or doing some stuff and making a little bit of money but it is better than no money at all. That is just my two cents. Hey my first job was when I was 16 and I was working at a Aquarium store doing nasty stuff for $4 under the table. I ended up being assistant manager and running the store while I was there and ended up making about $9 under the table. Then I moved on to other jobs with the experiences that I gained. So just basically what I am saying is just take what you can get and don't complain about it because it is better than nothing. GOOD LUCK cheers.gif

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Guest Anonymous

You might try the local newspaper office too. If the city is pretty large, many will hire younger people to do paper routes to deliver papers. I helped a buddy do it when I was pretty young I'm pretty sure it was about 14 or so. Required getting up early, folding the papers and loading his bike with them, but on the weekends we'd steal his dads truck cause he'd sleep in and do the route in that. ;)





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Ask around for your parents friends who have a small business. They might have chores to do and if they are like me they may have a hard time finding kids who want to work. I always have grunt work for kids to do - fill boxes, sort files, etc. definitely boring but it does look good on the app when they want a "real job"


My current worker is 14 and works a day or two a week for me but now has the whole neighborhood hiring him to help with the garage cleanup, cutting lawns, raking leaves, etc. He put right at $5K in the bank for his car this summer. His dad and I were talking about how my last worker moved and I couldn't find another school kid.


If you work hard - people will find work for you.


Just my $.02

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I slaved as a dirt slinging laborer when I was 14 in a plant nursery. 15, I got a job as a gass station attendent (back when they had no pumps w/ card readers and the pump jockey was out there rain, snow, cold, hot collecting cash, writing up CC receipts, checking oil, washing windows) Then I worked as a landscaper for my girlfriends father. And on and on.


Got enough money to buy a 70 Camaro in 79, my Junior HS year. Alot of jocks envied that, as mostly the kids drove their parent's BEATER or bought their own car. Jocks were good a sports since they were spending after school hours on the field, I went and made CASH.


Anyway, one of the great things about getting a job you is that you get to learn a good work ethic, if your employer has the balls to expect and demand it of you. That is a life long virtue.


Another thing is that you have jobs on your resume' and references for when you get a "real" job. Keep you stuff together, work hard, do what's expected and more and your employer will reward you with more pay (hopefully) and good references.


Keep looking. I like the apprentice idea!

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Guest Anonymous

Wow, quite a few responses, thanks for all the feedback guys...


I would like working at a service garage or something like that, working with cars and learning more but I think that falls under the hazardous category and the shop would have to hire me illegally. I have no problem with that hehe I'll have to see if clean up is considered hazardous just cuz I'm around the cars. My brother does soccer refing too, I have to admit I should have done that, easy and good pay but it's too late in the year now. And as for a construction site, that would be very hazardous and here's a little equation for ya. Me + Sun X 2hours or more=extra crispy hehe.


I think I'll go around to the auto shops around looking for a clean-up job, see what they say. Thanks for all the info guys, I'll let ya know how it goes in a little while.

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Guest Anonymous

if you live close to an industrial park go up and down to all the body shops/garages and ask if they need anybody to clean up for them.

thats how i started, got my car painted for $325 dollars at my bodyshop then my next job was at a racing shop where i got some "things" done to my car cheap.

even if they dont pay much youll learn so much its incredible.

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Wow! I started working at a plant nursery when I was 14 too. Only I am still working there over 4 years later...and still making minimum wage. But I haved moved up and I am now assistant shipping manager and I would get a healthy raise if I were to work full time. The good thing about some of these "high school jobs" is that you can pretty much choose your hours. good luck.

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