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82 L28et Cant achieve greater than 5* BTDC

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I finally got the swap finished, 82 l28et

complete rebuilt l28et ..It starts right up (after sorting out a few minor headaches) , Idles good , revs up good. Then I go and check timing and its around 0* tdc. I adjust the dizzy as far as it'll go and I cant achieve any greater than 5* btdc. I thought ,, well it must be allright , Its running good so I took it out for its first run with the new engine and its bogging a bitat medium acceleration .

No matter what I do It wont go 20* btdc? IM stumped.

Is it possible an electrical connection or sensor is at fault for the lack of timing? I thought everything checked out during final assembly. (dist installed correctly, shaft notch was in correct position,, timing mark lined up at tdc when crank pilly was installed) .Im stumped for now.


If someone can offer some advice here I would be forever grateful. If anyone is willing to offer some telephone advice email me there phone# and I will call at a time that is convienient for them.

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If your problem is that you physically can't rotate the distributor far enough to get the timing setting you want then I'd say that you put the distributor shaft in wrong, and that the solution is to take the oil pump off and rotate the distributor shaft one tooth and put it back together. Then you should have all of the rotation you need to get your 20º advance.

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Im sorry, Rotate in which direction.

Is it really as easy as just droppong the oil pump and rotating the shaft by one tooth?

thank you in advance.


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Just figure out where it the rotor points now, pull the dizzy drive, move it in the direction you want the rotor to go, stick it back in, then plug the distributor in again to verify that the rotor is now pointing further in the direction you want it to go. You'll see that the rotor moves 30º or so with every tooth.


You'll still have to set the timing, but now you'll be adjusting in the middle of the range, instead of having the thing cranked all the way advanced to get only 5º BTDC.


You could set it at TDC #1 and note where the rotor points in relation to the #1 spark plug wire, then make sure that the rotor is now pointing to just BEFORE the #1 spark plug wire. But all you need to do is advance it one tooth and set the timing with a light and you should be fine.


Does that make sense?

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If the donor engine is an 81, you can crank and twist the distributor all you want, and it won't do a darned bit of good as the CAS is triggered on an 81 from the front pulley and a different CAS pickup point!


So before I went down any road, I'd clarify which engine it is! Even though you say it's an 82, it's not some strange NY titled beast that sat on the lot for a year before being sold, and is a "closet 81"? IS there a CAS under the cover inside the distributor, and IS there NO CAS bracket under the AC idler pullley?


If that is the case, and you truly DO have a distributor mounted CAS, you should be able to gain approx 60 degrees advance by tweaking the dizzy. If you are not sure, just start with the basics, make sure it's set up with the Rotor Cap Pahsing hole aligned.


If the engine is not at 20 then, start looking for why, because it shouldbe very close. a 10 degree move of that dizzy is a 20 degree move on the spark timing trigger point!


The possibility exists that it may be off a tooth, but verify placement of the TIMING MARK on your pulley, and make sure the ELASTOMER has not shifted giving you spurious readings!


So yes, set it to TDC, if for nothing else, to VERIFY your timing mark! THAT is your first step!

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its an 82 sir,



I set TDC dropped the oil pump and rotated 1 tooth......... the wrong way!. I was so exhausted I didnt realize until i had it back together and it wouldnt start. So I did it again except this time i didnt set it to TDC , I just marked its current position and dropped the oil pump and now moved it two teeth the other direction , one to get back where i started and one to get where i wanted to be. put it all together and fired it up . Got 20* btdc initial timing and can get a bit more if needed. runs great but i didnt drive it yet.



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vinhZXT. YUP this is zippy. Thank you for your help both here and there. I havnt had it out yet but it already seems better.Idle is up an cleaner .and At least im able to set initial timing to where it should be and not a max of 5*

And as for the 300zx ecu plugs i will keep it in mind as soon as i experience any electrical probs. But I really think im going to attept megasquirt as soon as its broken in and running tip top.


I'll post back tomarrow if im able to get it out for a run around the block and let every one know if all is well.

Cant wait till i get a chance to do some driving and break this thing in. Its going to seem like the longest 500-1000 miles ever .. But Well worth the wait im sure.


thanks again .. till tomarrow


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I just got about 300 miles in with my rebuilt motor in my blue Z.. I went thru the same stuffs you went thru with my blue Z. It was a 79 and I put the turbo motor and all the wiring in it to save all the guess works on wiring. I did had problems with fuel, electrical that caused the bog under boost but I finally figured everything out. It runs like a champ now. Good luck

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Congrats on your swap.

Very similar to mine. Ive gone 82na and swapped in rebuilt and slightly modded 82 l28et. with the stock turbo electrical and what not. But upgraded a whole lot of stuff. turbo, pistons ,head, IC, downpipe ,elec fan, oil cooler , Bov , etc... Will be adding a mod list to the sig in the near future .

Seems ive got the fuel and spark corrected , now ive just got to put some miles on it. But until I get it out I wont know if its gonna bog or run smooth.


What have you set your fuel pressure to at Idle?


Peace Kevin

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