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REAL ID - passed yesterday


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Forrest, I couldn't agree with you more!!! All I will say is....keep your barrel clean and your powder dry, for when the time comes to really defend yourself! Our government is growing closer and closer to a tyranny! The problem, as I see it, is that the vast majority of americans just won't take the time to get involved or just don't care to get involved to actually control the government. However, these same people (sheeple) are the first to complain about what transpires. The people of america are just getting too complacent.....too fat, too lazy, and are a bunch of whinning cry babies.....GO FIGURE!!!!

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I am totaly with you about the gun barrels clean. As much as I can do I will to protect my rights. Although there are ways to stop rfid chips from being read from a distance or at all. There are anti static bags that will stop the chip from being broadcast or read. So I am not all too worried about that. That aside don't we think we are worrying about issues that aren't a problem. Stop illigal immagration, stop pissing other countries off, etc etc. It is like airport security. It is useless other than a visual deterant. If I wanted to get a bomb on a plane it wouldn't be hard at all. Harder since the 70's yes, but not impossible at all. And we keep throwing money at the issue. I've actually worked on ct scanners and such for the TSA. No real great technology there. There are definately too many sheeple out there. But we have to stop all this paranoia. Rant rant rant. I'll stop.

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The Chinese built a Great Wall to protect themselves from ancient terrorists. The fortifications are reportedly observable from the Moon. The US is building a great technology barrier around our perimeters to protect us. China and India are utilizing vast amounts of the black gold to supply us with cheap plastic goods that is displacing American workers and bankrupting American business'. Wal Mart reigns supreme while domestic auto manufacturers have junk bonds to peddle. Bill Gates looks to the far east for technology inovations and recruitment. Coca Cola has made a beach head in China. Our few exports to foreign shores consist of raw materials. The Asiatic demand for raw materials to meet our consumption needs are so great, we are also exporting our raw materials in exchange for future land fill plastic fodder. We have the best knee-jerk politicians money can buy. Protect us from ourselves.

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It won't work and is just another "feel good, look we did something" pile of junk from Congress. IDs are the least effective form of securing anything.


When I worked at a Loral Aerospace I often had to enter secured areas. For two years I had a picture of Charles Manson taped over my regular picture on the ID badge. The first time anyone noticed is when the Manson picture peeled back when I put it under the camera in a man trap. And then the security guard let me in anyway!

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How many of you have traveled by air lately? I just returned from a second trip to Finland several weeks ago and can only comment that something like this ID is just another thing to hassle with that provides no real security.

I also have to say that passing from Europe to the US felt like I was entering a zone where I was under suspicion at every single point where my ID or bags could be checked and had to prove I wasn't a terrorist. By comparison Europe was relaxed and sensible about security.

Don't get me wrong I'm not America bashing, I love this country, but it really saddens me that things have changed so much. In other threads I have defended the Patriot Act and other measures used to combat terrorism but I have to say I'm beginning to think it's not worth it. There is a very perceptible difference in the attitude of the airport personel between here and Europe. The ones I had to deal with here in the states were surly, rude and arrogant while those in Europe were there but remained relatively unobtrusive.

Forgive my rambling, I've had a very long week and it's only Wednesday, back to the subject of this thread. As Johnc stated, this ID will do nothing to provide additional security and will be very expensive. It's a waste of resources and will turn out to be another power grab for beaurocrats.



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It's nice knowing others feel as I do about the state of affairs. I read once, not sure who originally said it, but here is what they had to say. If you want to change the way the country operates, you must first change the way big business controls the government, and the only way to change big business is to have the consumers change the way they buy goods from big business! I think what the guy was trying to get across was, individuals have to get up off their dead arses and actually commit to doing something. Can you imagine for one moment if everyone in this country just refused to buy gas for a week or two! My guess is that the gas prices would drop faster than you can say....well, what ever it is that one would say. Sure there would be some sacrifices made, but by gawd it would make an impact. I can hear it now.....oh my, I couldn't do that! How would I get to Starbucks and how would I get to my hair appointment. Lets face it guys, we're out numbered by sheeple. It's going to be a long tough battle, IMO!

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Yet another thing to come around while Bush has been in office. Seems that we have had a lot of troubles since Bush has been in.


Thats all Ill say about that.


As far as the ID thing goes its a total joke. I cannot believe that anyone would really support such idiocy.


As one other posted though, there are my sheeple, that will believe what they are told and do what they are told till it affects them in some ill manner.


Then as stated previously they will be the first to chime in on how, " hey this isnt right". I agree we are becoming a lazy fat america.


We need to stop looking everywhere for everything and get off our arses and start doing for ourselves and OUR country first!!


Then if it is "wanted", assist others.

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