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Finished my Down pipe

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Well I had just purchased the pipeing right before SEZS5 when scottie told me he knew where one of his was and the price. So I got that one from him and put this DP on the back burner. Well I decided to go ahead and make it. Just to see if I could do it. Let me tell ya. it was not super easy. lots of measureing before cutting. Luckly I got the SS flange from Garrett at SEZ5 as well. I think all in all it turned out looking pretty good. Not sure if I want to venture into this or not. I have to use my Z as a template and taking my DP on and off is not hard but kinda a pain. At anyrate.. the good news is, It is done and looks nice I think.. The bad news is, It is already sold. Well good for me I guess. hehe..


EDIT::.. OOPS, I should have put this one section down on the exhaust. sorry about that.



this is before the cleaning and polishing, Just after I had it Tigged.



Test fit on the Z to make sure everything clears



All pollished for the new owner


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