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Working on the fuel delivery...


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I got a Holley Blue series fuel pump rated for 110gph @ up to 14 psi. When i looked at the mounting instructions, it says to mount the pump so that the inlet and outlet holes are at the bottom of the tank. Fine, no problems.

Heres the pump:



When i looked at where the outlet is on the tank, its twards the top of the tank, meaning that there has to be a tube that runs down to the sump. Is this a problem? Arnt these pumps and the original pump a gravity feed pump? If i run out of gass for some reason, can these pumps suck fuel up the inside tube to represserize the line?

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Hydraulically speaking, yes, however getting the pump to pick up can be a problem. It is better to have the pickup exit at the bottom of the tank. I modified my Monte SS gas tank to run the holley black pump with a 5/8" copper pick up tube that I made fit the stock pickup plate on the top of the tank. Worked ok, finally went to a cell though cause the 18 gallon tank is just too big to try to keep at least half full so I didn't starve for fuel on the launch. 1.58 60' times ya know can play heck with the fuel in the tank.

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Mine is set up for fuel injection, so it has a EFI pump, a surge pot and a Red as the pickup pump. In a racing situation there have been problems, apparently resulting from the poor suction performance of the Red.


So now the pickup pipe will be moved to outside the tank to pickup from underneath the tank, with the bottom of the Red about level with the pipe.

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A qualification of my above post.


Having just tested the Holley Red it does pick up quite well, so my problem apparently does not result from poor suction performance. Although of course it will perform better the lower it is mounted and the lower the pickup point is.


Flow rate on test was five liters per minute.

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Im running injection on mine, but I drilled and tapped out the drain plug hole in the bottom of the tank and fitted a 90 degree half inch brass fitting and take the fuel from there to a low pressure (10 micron) filter, then to the Bosch injection pump then to the high pressure filter then to the engine the lines from the bottom of the tank to the low pressure filter and then to the inlet of the injection pump are all half inch from the outlet of the injection pump they are smaller. . .

cheers - Zbuild

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So, my worries about suction and placment of the fuel pump are in the past. I used a Holley Blue pump rated for 110 gph @14 PSI. After i installed everything, i stuck a hose over the fuel line in the engine compartment and guided it into a bucket and let the fuel pump roar...with a new fuel filter and 100% air filled lines, it only took about 2 seconds before i got fuel pouring into the bucket! SUCESS!

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