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Can someone lend me about 20k?


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who made the skyline god, jsut wondering, is it really THAT good. Or has everyone jsut been playing to much Gran Turismo? sorryf ro the hijack but was wondering


I think it made itself God, based souly on its performance. Due to emisson laws, we in the USA never got them. Do a little research on the car and you will discover why it is what it is! Pretty friggin awesome car...and in stock form! Do some upgrades and you can end up with a monster.

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Okay, I will do four you. Here is deal, I will send you a check for $40000, and you are puting in bank. Then immeadiatly you are sending to me here in Nigeria a shoebox with the extra $20000 in small unmarked bills, to show good faith. Then when you are bought car you can pay the rest back at leisure. ;)

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I realize the english is bad, but maybe he is just foreign? I'd assume japanese for obvious reasons.


Also, to the guy questioning the skyline's awesomeness;

Awd, perfect displacement in an I6, couple turbos, moderately lightweight body (not to mention beautiful lines) =one BMF.

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perfect displacement???? But yes it does have good lines. But light? i thought these things were around 3200lbs-3600lbs not sure though, im probably off. And that sounds pretty cool, but isnt that basically an evo with 6 cylinders? I think the AWD system it has is pretty awesome though. Ill read up on them, i like the early skylines alot like the 70's ones, those are bitchin.

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Guest bastaad525

Yeah Skyline's are good cars but I dont' consider them 'God' either. There are other cars out there that are just as good. They ARE heavy, just like all the other twin turbo 6 cylinder beasts that were out in their day. Keep the drivetrain, toss the rest :D I'd still take a Supra first, all wheel drive or not.


I THINK I know the owner of that car... there is a performance shop right like one block from my house (OHC Motorsport) and I think this guy is over there a lot... I've been over there and had a good look at the car and talked to the guy... looked like that I think well I remember it was white with carbon fibre hood... that was a while back anyways.



There's another guy over there all the time with a turbo'd AE86 that is about the sweetest old japanese car I've seen that wasn't a Z.


And btw, IMO the Skyline isn't even that great of a car in Gran Turismo... you can feel it's heft as it likes to push hard thru the turns with massive understeer. Give me an Evo instead please :D

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i thought i was the only one that didnt buy into the skyline craze. I understand they are good, pretty damn good. But they are heavy and 285hp while its alot, a honda accord IMA makes only 30hp less with out the turbos. But hey in 2007 when the skyline comes to the US market, it should be pretty trick.

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Guest bastaad525

one thing about the Skyline's HP though... apparently they make MUCH more power than they are rated for. It's all down to that law in japan that an automaker can't make a car with more than 276hp. But it's pretty well known that some of them made more than that, like the Supra, Skyline, etc.


Depends who you want to listen to but I've heard it actually puts out more like 300-350hp or more. But yeah, it's still a heavy car to haul around even with that kind of power.


It's all about potential though :D

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