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Looking for some advice about a transaction.


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Hey Guys,


Bear with me here and give me your 2 cents. Several weeks ago I found out I couldnt run a set of stock pistons I had been planning on running in my new turbo motor, when I found out I needed a new set I decided to go forged. I had seen Alex Costa's ads on hybrid many times and also I talk to him a good bit on AIM. I told him I was looking for a set of forged 280zxt pistons. To my surprise he said he had a set (forged and coated JE pistons stock specs) that he was gonna use for his personal engine and he would let me have them since he was going a different direction. We agreed on a price and I sent him the money via paypal. I would have custom ordered them from a company but i was in a hurry and I thought this would be perfect, Alex said he could get them to me in a week.


Fast forward 4 weeks and I have heard ABOSLUTLY NOTHING from him. Since my E-check clear I have not seen him online, he will not respond to my emails, and I have called him and left messages several times on his phone and I have heard nothing back. I am getting very worried as I have not heard or seen anything of my pistons.


I think Alex is a good guy from talking with him and mike, but I am wondering what I should do. I cant help but feel like im am getting ripped off as i havent heard anything at all from him. What should my course of action be? from you that know him is he gone or in trouble? should I go ahead and contact paypal and see if i can get my money back?


This ordeal has really stalled my project I was hoping to havem my motor done and in by school and have the car ready for SEZ. Im getting ready to head off to school next weekend, he has alot of my money and I dont have any Pistons :(


PLease give me advice

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No second guessing Alex's character, but, considering that paypal has really strict timelines regarding refunds on purchases, you should probably call them and let them know that there is an issue so that they can get working on it before the time deadline. I believe that it's somewhere around a month.


The only reason that I know was that I got burned via ebay/paypal to the tune of $500 from a "fellow hybridz-er" that strung me along about a R200 LSD that I had purchased from him. He assurred me that the diff was being sent over and over again - so I waited and missed the deadline.


Paypal said sorry!


Live and Learn. Sorry for your problem.




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I can give dubious advice better than I can recieve sound advice. Enuff said about that character flaw.Get on it with Pay Pal. I have been screwing with this nice church going fellow who towed my registered 1976 280 Z off my real property without proper authorization during my two year abscence. He makes false promises while time is tolling. I am getting some action now that the vehicle is officially reported stolen with the Sheriff's Dept (which took a letter to a Captain to get the investigating officer in gear and a complaint was filed with the State fraud bureau who warned me about time running out.. The statute of limitations may have run on theft investigation and a civil suit may hang in when I discovered the theft. Get on it ...you paid for em and should have recieved the pistons. no excuse is going to fill up those cylinders.

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I mean to make no judgements on Alex at all, Im am just curious given my situation what I should do. I dont doubt that he has gone on a trip or has had an emergengy. I just wish I could hear an update., I thought perhaps yall might know what was up. That being said though I cant wait around forever, I guess I'll be giving paypal a call tomarrow. Let me put it this way if I miss the deadline as one of you mentioned I will be out 800 dollars, if i infact dont recieve the pistons, this means I wont be able to finsh my car for a year as ill be in college with no way to make money, this would make me more then just a little pissed off. But ill be missing SEZ another time no matter what since it will take another 6 weeks for anotehr set of pistons :(

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Bummer about the missing slugs.... but surely you can get together a stock longblock for the SEZ event!! I remember Rick (Speeder) throwing a longblock together in 3 days just in time to make the event ....

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i dunno dude..

something might have happend..

i havent heard from him either.. and he has my exhaust, my standalone, and wires that i need for my blue Z to get running.... and he has my HULK!


he is a honest guy and somebody i call a great friend..

maybe he got sick or something.


if i hear anything ill let u no.



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No updates, I filed a dispute on paypal since it almost been a month and they give you 45 days. Ill see how everything goes. 4 days till move in day at state : (. Wish I had a little more time but ill be home to try and finish her on the weekends.



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spoke to alex today.


turns out he got into a bad car wreck in his Tundra truck.. a civic going over a 100mph or so nailed him hard.

he said he is lucky to be alive, it was that bad.

he has been in pain for abit now and is out of a truck to do most of his picking up engines and parts.

and with all that he has been super busy.

his cell phone broke, lost all his numbers, and then his computer crashed.

so its been a hard few weeks.



he said he ran into trouble with the guy he ordered the pistons from.

guy never told him he sold the set, so alex ordered a set for ya and they should be to alex and then u very soon.

he said he was very sorry, and he would refund your money back if you wanted to... he didnt mean to screw ya like that at all.

he hopes ya understand and he said he would try to find away to email ya today or tomorrow.


anyways thats the news..

im praying things work out better for my friend alex.



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