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WTB: 1973 240Z Bumpers (no holes)

Guest Kenzpunkiin

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Guest Kenzpunkiin

Trying the forum for the first time...


I want to buy a front bumper but I want a clean chrome look. I don't want rubber or bumper guards. I contacted a chrome shop that wants $420 for braising the holes and rechroming my bumper. I'd like to find one cheaper....any ideas?


Love my new V8 Z!

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I have the European bumpers, but they still have 2 holes in them for the bumper guards (front and back). They are very expensive, but you can find them on eBay once in a while for a fairly decent price.


I originally ordered both the front and rear from MSA and the front one looks pretty good. The rear center bar was terrible, and after three tries I gave up and got my money back. I eventually found that piece on eBay (rechromed with the holes filled in).




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I was planning on welding the parts together to make a one peice rear bumper, and to fab a mounting system on the inside of the bumpers so there was no need for a bolt. Then fill in all the holes and send them off to the chrome shop. The chrome work is not going to be cheap, but a perfect set of bumper is pretty pricey, so I figure it'll be a wash.

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Guest Kenzpunkiin

Thanks for the help! Here's where I am so far...


I found euro bumpers for $320 from Rod's Discount Datsun. Rod is cool. I had two Z's in my twenty's (now 44) and bought from Rod all the time. Z parts are getting scarcer...


I'll get early Z brackets ($52 pair) so the bumper fits closer to the body than my 1973 bumper.


Not sure if it's worth $90 and three weeks ($420 chrome shop vs. $320 Euro) to have a bumper with no holes (rechromed bumper) instead of two holes (Euro bumper). Hmmm.


Budget suggests I'll leave the rear stock for a while.

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Guest Kenzpunkiin

I do like the suggestion for the rear - welded and holes filled. That sounds too clean!! Just the look I'm after. Clean and simple. Someday.

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Last time I talked to someone from MSA they told me they have a supply of these "euro" Nissan bumpers. That was about six months ago, but he said there is a Nissan plant in Canada that is manufaccturing them along with the 432z grilles too. I've also seen them listed in both MSA and VB's catalogs.

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