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Bought my Z, how do I protect it now?


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I FINALLY found a good 240 doner with NO (yes, I said NO) rust! It's a '73, and has been garaged for 14 years! It came from California, lived in Arizona, and has been garaged in N. Texas for years. I have a rust bucket 240 that I was going to use, but I wasn't happy with all of the work ahead. I have been looking for this Z for years (did I mention: $900!!!).


I'm an adult with a full time job (shiftwork, at that) and I go to college. I have two more semesters (summer '06) until I graduate, and have time to put this together. I have one basket case VW Cabriolet in the garage now, and I need to protect the new Z. I thought a car cover would be good, but is there anything I should know before I buy some cheap-assed car cover? I will need to store it for about a year. Would a tarp be OK?

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I agree with Mike. You need to spend what it takes to get a good, breathable car cover and then check the car out about once a month to ensure no nasties are growing. Also make sure it is absolutely dry inside before covering it. I'd also take the time to really clean it up, treat all the iside vinyl. clean up the engine bay, etc. Prepare it like you're taking it to a car show. You'll find a lot of things while doing this and you can start thinking about the "list" it generates while you're finishing up school and getting ready to start on it.

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If you plan to do paint and body work on this car and don't care if it gets the odd scratch or bump then I would leave it uncovered. I have one of those nice breathable covers and my car is still musty smelling after being covered for a few months at a time. Leave it uncovered if it is your garage. Has it been uncovered in a garage for the last 14 years? If so, I think you need to continue doing what was done for the last 14 years. JMHO

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