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My piston ORDEAL ,more problems....


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So as many of you rember i was having some trouble getting my pistons from Alex Costa.... much to my relief after 2.5 months i finally recieved my pistons. This was after making a call at least once a day for several weeks that i finally got them. I asked to have them sent next day or two day so i could have them by the weekend since I am on fall break and trying to get my car back together. I thought this seemed more then resonable after a 2.5 month wait. He agreed.


I get the pistons a week later shipped ground by DHL. The pistons come in a old ratty JE piston box with no wrist pins. This didnt bother me so much as I can just use the stock ones but this still agravated me a little bit.


Heres where it gets good. The pistons which are supposed to be OE spec require a different size rings. they require 1.2mm, 1.5mm, and 3mm rings where as the stock rings are 1.5, 2.0, and 4mm. With my pistons he included a set of stock hastings rings. The sizes of the rings and the ring reqiurments for the pistons were clearly marked on the boxes. He sent me the wrong size rings and didnt even bother to check....


he offered to get me a another set after i sent those back. But honestly i dont trust him enough to send my rings back to him. And I dont have another 2.5 months to wait around.


End of story Alex Costa gave has horrible buisness ethics in my opinions, i felt like i got the run around, he never gave me ANY communication, I always had to call and hound him to get any information. It took him 2.5 months to deliver a product he said he would have to me in a week. when i got them they were the wrong thing, you can find my post from a while back for more in depth details.


This is just my personal opinion and expirience but i would NEVER do buisness with him again, i am not one to bash anybody publicly but this whole issue has really gotten on my nerves and i thought i would inform everybody.



Sooo..... I need a set of rings for a l28 stock bore with 1.2, 1.5, and 3mm rings where would be the best place to look? I am hoping to get a set this week so i can finish my motor next weekend since my fall break was wasted.


Also anybody need a set of stock l28 rings??


-Austin Hoke

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While I will probably never be in the market for L28(ET) parts, its nice to know who not to deal with. Its too bad that you had to be the guinepig. I hope you can find your parts soon so that we can see more progress pics of your awesome car!




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Austin, You're handling this better than most would... I applaud your candid, yet mature manor in dealing with this issue...


To others, I'm watching this thread. I know some of you are friends with Alex, and some of you aren't. Austin posted "his" experience, and kept it to the matter at hand. Let's not get this one locked with a back and forth about Alex being a good guy or not... That isn't the issue at hand... Lots of guys I'd have a beer with that I don't want to do business with.


Key is finding out who they are, and keeping business and pleasure separate. I'm sure Alex has his side of the story, and I'm sure his explanations seem very reasonable to him, and maybe they are... However, the customer's perception is something you always need to be keenly aware of when promising a product by a specific time.



Austin, Check with the manufacturer of the pistons. They'll get you a part number you can use to order direct from Jegs or Summit, and YES, these two companies can get the parts for you... They just don't have them in their mail order catalog.


Good Luck!

Mike :cool:

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You handled it correctly IMO. Seriously though I'd get new pins from the manufacturer if it were me. I've had similar experience with other companies.


An old man told me once; "When you take somebody down a notch or two by badmouthing them, it doesn't necessarily raise you up a notch or two." Sorry you had a bad experience, I'm sure he's human, **** happens, you aren't the first this has happened to and won't be the last, whether it some other company or not. Get that motor going and post a timeslip would you?!!

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