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So let me tell you the difference between volunteer and draft


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I know the feeling of a moronic boss and how that system works, I was working at a small shop, doing mechanics, it was for a foriegn car shop. The boss drinks everyday, never seen it during work though im sure he did as every Friday he would stock up with 3 cases of beer in his fridge.


He would always talk down to everyone except the shop manager who was his freind, and try and make others feel like shyte.


Hell once I had to show the "shop manager'" where the plugs were in a Volvo. Hes like you like these newer cars, how bout telling me where the plugs are. I said in return take the center cover off the valve cover.


Wost is he pulls it off and comes over, well smart *** where are they, not certainly there, I pull my 1/4 inch drive and 7mm socket, pull the coil pack off and say well, do you really think you need to be working on this car if you obviously dont know anything about it.


Well this brings the Owner in running his mouth, I politely pointed out that the "shop manager" should know more then anyone here and he gets an attitude for me having to show him how to do his job. Now though he didnt have the attitude, supposedly I did.


Well getting to shorten things up, its almost Christmas time, me being only 3 days late of a year, well, I dont get a Christmas bonus! They are like, we are getting something for the boss you wanna chip in. I look and I think and then say, well I didnt get anything from him, why should I bother.


Then I got the well others that were here are already laid off for the slow and you still on. Im like well, pay me some respect and talk to me like a person, and maybe you and he both would.


Needless to say, I lasted only a year and a half there but was much happier since.

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When we were all getting laid off Christmas 2002, they were shutting down the whole building they had to give us the WARN letter and basically in October we knew we had 2 months left to work. They gave us the priveledge to apply for open positions in the new facility.


900 people were laid off prior to this letter, but something about the law said they had to keep us for 2 months, don't know why. Anyway, 59 of us were left in December and just wasting time till they give us our 2 weeks severence, and unemployment. During the last two weeks we did not have computers, in the last week they had us packing boxes to move junk and broken stuff to another building we would never see (I bet not even one box was labeled correctly). On the last day we were stacking chairs, they were too cheap to hire a moving company so they actually asked some of us (not me) to stay over Christmas to pack the boxes and chairs and move the cubicals onto trucks and actually had some employees driving the moving trucks. Talking about digging your own grave come on! I was out of work for 5 months and I think that was the happiest I had been for over 5 years.


I have a whole new attitude of work though, I will pretty much do anything short of picking up rat droppings with me teeth, but then again, I would probably be the best paid rat dropping handler I know. Maybe I'll get bitter again if I stayed anywhere longer than 2 years, we'll see.

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Heh, reminds me of one of my previous corporate jobs, where we were notified that the higher ups had given the money intended for our big annual Christmas party (something highly looked forward to) to charity, "on our behalf"! WTF was that?? I'm as much for charity as the next guy, but it would've been nice if we'd at least been polled/asked, especially since everyone busts their butt all year.

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The corporate culture somehow manages to seek out, further train and display some of the finest examples of the phrase "raging asshat" imaginable.


It amazes me on a deep level that these hollow soulless creatures babbling about team work and pro-active outlooks and whatever other managment buzzwords they learned that day can go home and look themselves in the mirror and not break down and kill themselves with something sharp.




At some point you have to pry yourself away from whatever corporate entity you've superglued yourself to and actually exist as a real, whole and functional human being. Most of these fantastic fucktards never will however.


The end result is those of us unwilling to sell our souls (or those of us born with actual personalities) often times end up "under" these camal-turds of humanity. It takes *alot* not to physicly attack them sometimes.


I feel for you.

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At some point you have to pry yourself away from whatever corporate entity you've superglued yourself to and actually exist as a real' date=' whole and functional human being. Most of these fantastic fucktards never will however.




When they ask if I can come in over the weekend, I just say I have "family obligations", it's the new excuse that they can't touch, if they complain they really look like a jacka**. It works. My grandma has been sick, my aunt died twice and my mother always needs help out of town. I can't wait till I have kids then I'll have a whole new realm of excuses. :twisted:

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Guest Keith240
I feel for you Alex. The worst for me was at one of my very first jobs. I was young and seriously underpaid. Anyway, they did the Secret Santa thing there, and I pulled the VP's name. So now I have to buy this bitch a present. This was the same VP who had told me just a few weeks earlier "You make good money for someone your age" when I pointed out that the middle aged woman who had my job previously made $5/hr more than I was making. Discriminate on the basis of age much? Then all the other worker drones wanted to show this drunkard what a great boss she was, so they all chipped in to buy her a present. Of course I was sucked into that one as well, so now I'm buying 2 presents for her. As it turns out I spent more money on her that year then I did on my girlfriend. That REALLY pissed me off. Needless to say I don't do well with the compulsory gift giving or forced generosity either.



Just an idea here, ... but a nice healthy sack of dogshit wrapped up and put into a box marked "candy" then gift wrapped ought to be enough return punishment in itself for the remarks given and the age discrimination act .. but be prepared to quit that job, or already have put in a two weeks notice first. Just make sure you'll be around long enough to see the reactions of the person you intend the "present" to be given to ... hee hee hee !

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