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I hate my humanities teacher

Guest HBZ81

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She is an insane b*tch. So here is an email I sent out to about 15 of my 20+ class mates:




Dear Fellow Slaves(Students) of Treece,



I talked to her on the phone today again about me going to Texas and helping with the Hurricane victims. She said I could give me presentation first and leave, but I would still be docked for attendence because "it would be like missing 4 or 5 classes" I asked her about our last papers and she said she hadn't graded them yet, that she "does all the grading after all the work has been turned in" So how are we suppossed to know how to improve in our writing if she doesn't tell us how we did?!?!?! She said she couldn't even give me a rough estimate of my grade to help me make a decision to leave early or not because "she won't know until everything is turned in" She said she would dock me because "What if everyone in the class wanted to leave?" WELL NOT EVERYONE WOULD LEAVE TO HELP VICTIMS. IT'S HUMAN NATURE FOR NOT EVERYONE TO GO! But she still said she would take points off my grade if I did. Why should someone be penalized for wanted to help others? I even offered to turn my paper and presentation early with an email or do it another time but she would have none of it. So here is my proposal:


When we get the evaluations for her class, give her poor marks and poor comments. Not only has she failed to "return paper work in a timely manner, return work with helpful comments, has a knowledge of the subject, is respectful to students questions, thourghly discuss assignments, is clear and concise, etc." but she is also just plain rude.


I believe that she thinks she has us under her thumb and personally I do not wish to be subjected to her inflated ego. We need to stand up for what is right and make a change.


Now I'm not saying get her fired, but she needs a cold slap of reality to the face, and my fellow students, I believe we should be that hand with our evaluations!



Thank you,



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After reading your first post I thought to myself.....this boy needs to attend some writing/grammar classes! As suggested, if you don't like the instructor, take the class somewhere else....know one is making you stay. Quit complaining and pointing fingers, which resolves zero, and do something productive about your situation. Welcome to the real world.

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Perhaps you could postpone your trip to Texas until after the semester ends. I'm sure there will be lots of volunteer work to be done for a while.

I was in a small airport terminal (North Platte, Nebraska) 4 days after Hurricane Katrina hit N.O., watching the variety of people waiting for a 7 a.m. flight - 2 young American men of African heritage, dressed like bloods/crips... with a 50-ish guy in Kakhis & loafers.... Mother comforting a tearful teenager she was leaving behind..... 2 "real" cowboys...... 20-ish Woman of Asian heritage.... 30-ish woman in business casual dress..... The common things among them was they were all Red Cross volunteers, each had one carry-on bag, no golf clubs, or travel trunks on wheels. I overheard a few say that part of thier carry-on bag space was taken by 48 hours worth of food and water. They didn't expect systems and institutions to be flexible for their convenience. They were all making huge sacrifices leaving their lives at home behind, dropped everything with a day's notice, did not know how long they'd be gone.

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After reading your first post I thought to myself.....this boy needs to attend some writing/grammar classes! As suggested, if you don't like the instructor, take the class somewhere else....know one is making you stay. Quit complaining and pointing fingers, which resolves zero, and do something productive about your situation. Welcome to the real world.


I normally wouldn't be picky but... "know one"??? :twak:

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If you have a legitimate complaint, take it to the department head. If you don't get satisfaction then take it to the Dean of Students. Just like appealing a court ruling.

My wife was a non-traditional student. She had an education professor tell her that she would be marked down because of her rigid belief system - or in other words - my wife didn't agree with her belief system so my wife must be rigid. She did that in writing so my wife replied that she would take it to the president of the university if she got anything less than an 'A' in the class. The professor wasn't tenured and, when she checked into my wife, she had a change of heart she got an 'A'.

Your instructor indicated that she didn't grade papers until they were all in? Is there a deadline? Is it past? If there is and it isn't past she's well within her rights - especially if you would normally be getting the feedback from the first paper before the second one was due. One of the reasons instructors wait for them all to come in is that they grade subjectively and need to 'rank' the papers based on the rest of the papers and then assign a grade curve. Very touchy-feely and, in my humble opinion, a bogus way of doing things - but very common. I guess that's why I'm an engineer.

'Class participation' is one of the old standards used for determining academic performance. It indicates interest in the course materials and allows the professor to get a better feel for your grasp of the material - beyond papers and tests. Many times it has been a deciding factor in grading up or down. She is within her rights to dock you for missing classes. It's one of those facts of life that, just because you think something is important, it doesn't mean everyone else will - or even should.

Sounds to me like you need to either shut up or stand by your principles and take the hit like a man. It's your decision.

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Yeah, I have noticed a few errors myself the day after I posted it. I was in a bad mood when I wrote that and didn't really proof read. I don't know how many times, when typing it, I went back and changed a sentence around. Sometimes when you're typing fast and not paying attention you make silly mistakes like that. Oh well!



That email's purpose was to "rally" the students to give her a bad evaluation, but I am also planning on filing a formal complaint tomorrow.

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