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240sx throttle body


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is there a specific year or engine code I should be looking for when I pick up one of these on ebay? I've seen writeups for the KA24DE model, but there are KA24E models from 1990 that look very similar. Does the throttle body have to come with the cruise control part, too? Everybody talk about cutting off the cruise control part, but the KA24E that I saw didn't have it. Please straighten me out!

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Engine code doesn't really matter, but you'll want to find one that doesn't have CC because it will make the installation a bit easier. The ones with CC have a longer shaft that has to be ground/cut down. I just recently installed mine that didn't have CC onto my zxt. It's pretty easy, just leave yourself a few hours to do the grinding nicely and you'll be set.



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I'm in the process of doing this right now and the TB I got has the cruise control. It is my intention to use it. I am still waiting on one of Pallnet's spacers and I can almost gaurantee you that the throttle levers will clear the #1 manifold runner. If they don't I'll just rotate it and deal with it.

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The cruise control cable on a ZX attaches to the throttle linkage near the firewall. The throttle body has absolutely nothing to do with it. You could use any throttle body you wanted to and it wouldn't matter as far as the cruise control is concerned, provided you kept the original linkage intact.

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