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I really need HELP

Guest kylerichardbutler

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Guest kylerichardbutler

Hello fellow Z lovers,


This is my last resort I have tried established Z shops and recieved no answer to my problem. I have a hesitaion in my 74 260 Z, it happens when I step on the gas. It idles fine, but as soon a I lay into it it craps out. It smooths out a little bit above 2500 rpm. I have owned this car for two years and have never gotten to drive it. In the course of the two years I have tried every thing to sovle this problem. here are the things that I have checked:


-crank to camshaft timming(6 times now, also performed by Zsport for $400)

-ignition timming(also performed by Zsport)

-carburator rebuild and adjustment(SU and webber carbs, adjustment also performed by Zsport)

-loose wires

-full tune up

-vacume system

-fuel system


I have just done everything but drive this car off a CLIFF! my only theory is that it has something to do with the ignition system. maybe a resistor or condensor gone bad or possibly something to do with the transistor ignition unit. If anyone out there has any ideas I would love to here them.

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Guest kylerichardbutler

Yes, the problem happens with both of the carbs. thanks for replying I am a new member and I think this site is great!


edit: I went with the webber carbs because they could be rebuilt and tweeked a lot easier than the SU's. and yes they have been rebuilt including new accelerator pump.

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Guest kylerichardbutler

It seems to me with the experience that I have the problem would lie in the mechanical workings of the engine. But like I mentioned earlier I have gone through the timing, cam timming 6 times and all the way down to the crank pulley 3 times plus had it checked by a reputible shop. It just doesn't see possible that an error in timming could be missed so many times. Does anyone have any experience with the grove and notch adjustment of the camshaft it seems pretty self explanitory. And as far as the carbs are concerned I tried both styles and the same result. I also check fuel pressure so the supply of fuel is not at question. does anyone know of any other mechanical workings of this engine that could possibly cause this. does anyone know of any electrical problems that could cause this.

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Have you loosened the distributor yourself and played with the dizzy timing? If you feel comfortable with that you should.


Also there have been many times that I was 1 tooth off in installing my l28's distributor. It would start and idle fine but when I opened the throttle it would just bog.


rotating to TDC on number one, installing the oil pump in the 11:30 position and then getting the dizzy back in there was never an exact science for me. My old vintage haynes manual detailed it as well as my "How to Hotrod L28" book.


One time I was one tooth off and was playing around with the dizzy and rotated it so it lit #1 or #2 with the intake valve open and lit the weber bowls on fire. AHHH blue flames out the weber horns. Yes for me there is only one way to learn. The hardway.


Grab a book and have fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest kylerichardbutler

I am pretty sure that the coil is bad, according to the book the resistance is too high. I don't know wether or not this will cause thi hesitation problem that is occouring.

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Proper fuel, Good spark at the correct time and compression. Check basics, be systematic. Sounds like a power loss under load conditions. Secondary ignition problems or timing curve could be way out. Sticky advance weights, poor coil or wires definitely come up as possibilities. Of course, I'm guessing (electrical) without additional infomration. Is there a single cylinder misfire, one half of the engine or random misfiring? Can you duplicate the problem in neutral?

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