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Proof that GM builds CRAP!


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this thread is getting out of control! bonk.gif

ok, so maybe domestics don't have the reputation of reliability that many imports have and it is most likely a well deserved one. all i'm going to say is that we've all had our experiences with every make and model of car out there, good and bad. so can we just all agree that everyone has had their own first hand thoughts on which brand is best and end this thread before people start getting upset and it ends up being a massive import vs. domestic war!


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Guest Tom Scala

OK OK. I give up. Japanese cars are the greatest works of automotive engineering & design expression ever made since the Edsel. I will subscribe to Consumer Reports and drive a 4 door Toyota Camry just like they tell everyone to do. I will snicker at all the sheep driving their Cadillac Escalades to the soccer field. I will expouse the virtues of superior Japanese plastic to all that will listen. I will get a sticker of the bad boy pi$$ing on the big 3 and display it proudly.

RPMS, I'm just bustin' yer balls. I repect your opinion but we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Maybe we can discuss it over a brew some time. Make mine a domestic. Later cheers.gif

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Originally posted by Tom Scala:

OK OK. I give up. Japanese cars are the greatest works of automotive engineering & design expression ever made since the Edsel. I will subscribe to Consumer Reports and drive a 4 door Toyota Camry just like they tell everyone to do.

Good! My plan is coming together. Now all I need to do is convince you to shave your head, put on a yellow robe, and sell flowers in the airport....



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I think the only reliable motor any american company ever made was a V8 when the miles start packing up, and if you want to start talking about plastic-go sit and drive around in a iroc with about 150k on it and you will see and hear a lot of plastic. I really think the Japanese cars are better engineered, we all use them right? and im not biased towards Japanese cars-i hate european cars that are old even worse. Hate.

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You Bet I will!!!! rockon.gif


I owned a '85 Dodge GLH turbo. K-car based, 2.2L. That thing went liked a raped ape. BMW actually had to change their ad programs that year. They were going to bragg that they had the fastest accellerating four door sadan in America, untill that humble Dodge shamed them.


Oh ya, it turned out to be a piece of crap. frown.gif

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Guest Anonymous

I had a lemon Dodge K car that was really fast making it to the junkyard.To me a "good" car gains that special status when you have more in fuel than what the car originally cost..For such good cars, I do not see many old BMWs or Benz's on the streets.Just about any car is good as long as you can afford to fix them.(and some people spend fortunes on service and maintenace on keeping these good cars running).

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Guest silverbullet

I can't stand it, I have to open my big yap too, have to agree with you T.Z. When I think back as to what was my "best" car I ever had you might be surprised, it was a 1970 Valiant four door with a slant six and a three on the tree, was not dinged up but the paint was not very pretty either, didn't look great inside but it wasn't tore up either, didn't have nice wheels or tires but there was enough tread there, didn't allways start fast, was slow, hard to shift,leaked about a quart of oil about every 300mi but it did always start even in the cold of winter. Now this was about in 1983 and I paid $125.00 for it when I was desperate for some transportation and as long as I kept fluids in it (mainly eng. oil and brake fluid)it never let me down during one of the financially bleakest times of my life, I had to resort to picking mushrooms and moss to get by and when things did pick up and I was able to get a better car I sold it just as it was when I bought it to someone who also really needed a car, I could have got a little more for it but sold it for $125.00 I felt it was good karma to give someone the same deal I was given, so I guess what I am saying is one persons piece of junk is somebody elses best car smile.gif

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Hey guys I never gave a thought to K-cars until I saw a mpeg of a 10 second k-car on this site somewhere. Ultimate sleeper! Can you believe getting your ass handed to you by a stock looking k-car..OUCH!!!



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You might be surprised to hear this, but I've got definite thoughts on this issue. :rolleyes: It seems to me that car manufacturers screw up when they overstep what they do well. As an example, my Grandma had a Buick Rivera T-Type back in the eighties. It was a speedy little car and wasn't bad, except for the fact that they put an electronic dashboard with a virtually nonfunctional touch screen control panel in it. Hit the slightest imperfection in the road while trying to adjust the radio, and you were listening to Spanish talk radio instead of the Lawrence Welk she wanted. Or you'd hit the heater instead of the A/C section of the screen. Now, tell me what was so bad about the buttons on regular radios and climate control systems that Buick designers felt compelled to replace them with that piece 'o crap?


BMW's i-drive system has been similarly excoriated (sp?) by just about everyone who has reviewed it. Technology that does not NEED to be there SHOULDN'T be there. Put cables and levers on A/C systems instead of vacuum motors and electronic stepping motors. Tune radios with buttons. Is the public too stupid to turn the fan on the A/C down when it gets too cold? Are we really so lazy that we can't lift a finger to tune the radio?


If the car companies would spend their development money on making cars reliable instead of trying to make them as technologically complicated as possible, we'd have MUCH better cars, and those people like me, who can't afford a new car, would get a more reliable used car, too. I shudder to think what the $50,000 cars of today will be like in ten years, when the navigation systems won't work, the power seats break, the climate control systems won't function properly, and the voice controlled functions will no longer recognize vocal commands. Doesn't matter who makes them, if they aren't sufficiently robust to be reliable ten years from now, depreciation will be atrocious!


Don't get me wrong - I'm all for technological progress. I'm not about to go back to a points ignition and AM radio for the sake of sheer simplicity. But I don't think it's a smart idea to put the bleeding edge of technology in a car. Just because you CAN replace it with an electronic chip doesn't mean you SHOULD. Make sure it's going to be reliable before selling it to the public, instead of making the public be the Beta testers.


Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now. smile.gif

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holy crap.... numbers!




Now, what do these numbers mean? Hell, I don't know. Doesn't really look like it strengthens either side's argument.


As for whichever's better... I don't care, I just buy whatever car best suites my needs for the money I have available. Out of the 3 cars I've had/have in my 6 short years of licenseship, 2 have been GM's. Both served me well. Guess I've had to gather most of my empirical data through my parents though, who currently have 1 vehicle from each of the main continent... all of which being relatively unreliable... the BMW taking the cake with it's requirement of a new motor at 60k (metalurgy defect in the block). And the Jeep taking top honors in the "worst customer service" category. And the Z32 TT taking the "That's going to cost HOW much?" award for it's basic maintenance + injectors.


...all the while my $1800 12 year old Lumina beater car trudged on, albeit slowly... because, well, it's a Lumina... and they're slow. And my Hyrbid 71 Z requireing absolutely zero in repairs because, well, it actually has to be assembled and running in order for it to break down.

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Guest Anonymous

While its a awesome motor, the SHO can also be in that 'its going to cost how much to fix' category. I didn't know it till I bought the thing, but my celica all trac turbo with the 3sgte motor has a head developed by yamaha (developed hell, I think it was cast by them too, it has yamaha right on the front if it), not part of the discussion but I was mentioning the SHO and figured I'd throw out that trivia... :rolleyes:





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