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I Saw this at School today!!!!

Guest cdmx

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hey you're right he cant even spell datsun right, or aluminum, or transmission, or before, or sued, or company, or board, hahaha, or AWESOME


wow i didn't notice that till now


and its not even his car its his dads


but we arent in school for grammer, i go to nascar technical institute( branch of universal tech institute) its an automotive school.

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you go to NTI? No offense but I had three friends go there, and said it was nothing but a rip. Espicially for the price....



Yea i go to NTI, the nascar classes are worth it, im not taking those.


Overall ive gained a lot of knowledge, i have thought this school was a rip too especially with my driving record. If you have a terrible one like mine you cant get a job at all.


This school was pretty much only good for one thing for me and that was to get into an advanced manufacteur program.


But after taking the class im in right now service writing, you realize how much money this school has spent on its equipment and facilities and thats where the cost comes from.


Id like to see someone go from NTI to the cpcc program, sure they would be learning the same thing about cars but not with the same equip and facilities and up to date vehicles.


Ford fact is also worth it, we get to work on new ford vehicles and learn into greater detail about electronics, when we are done with this course we get ford creditials unlike a certificate of completion of the core classes offers. This school is also great for taking ASE tests they basically train us to take ASE style tests.


Its a good tech college, i like it. I just wish i had a better driving record and i could get a lot more out of it. (damn it!! :()

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