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So I was searching around last night and came across this...



"Digital Oscilloscope" I would assume it's just as accurate as a standard benchtop one. What do you guys think? I'm looking to get a semi cheap Oscilloscope as it would add much needed information to all the electronics that I modify and play with.



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Any of the digital stuff they have would be adaquate for automotive stuff.


They have really come down in price in the last few years.


I have some stuff at work I was looking to get rid of. It's some older philips and tektronics stuff.


PM me if you are interested. I can give you model numbers etc.

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I bought a PicoScope last Fall after switching to Autronics EFI and DIS. It's dual channel to 50 MHz and plugs into USB on my laptop. Works like a DSO plus has datalogger. Figure around $800 with all the cables you'll need from Swangate. I got the model 8532 rather than the expensive auto version, since I did not need all the custom SW that configs the inputs for all the measurements like ign, coil dwell, inj response, etc.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I was fortunate enough to get one. Now i just have to learn how to use it properly.


Well, the best wa y is using your imagination, creat troubbles in your head at night an try to figure out what to check, using witch functions.


Then, go to your old rattli'n clapped out daily driver (well at least in my case) and try to figure out all the little glitches that bothered you for a long time but did'nt want to spend money to have someone fix it, you'll discover that most problems in cars today are due to parasite resitance in the ECU's signal circuits .


This of cours is after reading at least the "not to do part of the instructions"

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