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Static timing

78 280zcar

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I posted this on classiczcar.com. Anyone know how to set the static timing on a 280z 78. I have everything in the right spot but the rotor is not lining up with the #1 spark. I had this problem before when I was putting the distributor in and I just turned the distributor drive gear two notches counterclockwise but I want it right this time. I have the drive gear perfect but when the distributor is in, the plate doesnt line up with the locking screw hole and the plate is turned as far as it will go, what do I do. I was hoping if I just adjust static before starting the engine I could get it to fit in.


Also there is a mark on the distributor cap, does this indicate #1?

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Min doesn't have a mark on it so I can't help you there. But you can adjust the dizzy some more, where the "plate is mounted to the dizzy, there is a tiny (i think its a 5 mm bolt) the dizzy can be adjusted further if you loosen that. You might have to clean the area to find it because I only foun that out when I took it out to clean it.

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The correct fix for this is to rotate the distributor drive shaft, but for some reason you seem to want to do something else. Don't know what else you could do other than switch the spark plug wires on the cap. That's a little hokey as far as I'm concerned.

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try removing the oil pump, backing the drive shaft (what jmortensen was speaking about) a little ratating it to correct position and then moving that 10 degrees more. there reason 10 degrees is because you kinda have to rotate it in and once in, it should give you the position you wanted.


Remember the Keyed part on the bottom match the top (top it offset alittle so you don't 180 the dizzy). And always remeber to TDC it because its more work later on if you don't.

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OK, the camshaft sprocket is lined up with the mark on the locating plate and the engine is at TC, the distributor gear is at 11:25 like the book says. The plate on the dist. that mounts to the engine will not line up with the mounting hole, the plate is as far as it wants to go (per the 5mm bolt on the bottom), when I have the rotor pointing at the #1 spark plug wire. I am not trying to do something else, I just want it right like the how to rebuild nissan datsun OHC engine book says:shock:. I was hoping to adjust the static timing so that maybe the hole will line up after adjusting to static timing. Thanks

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Who cares what the book says? Did it occur to you that the book might be wrong? If it doesn't run the way the book shows it, then maybe it is wrong. Make it run by moving the distributor shaft, and then it will be "right" and better yet, you'll be able to drive it.

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I've put a bunch of L6s together with the "how to rebuild nissan datsun OHC engine" book. It is correct when it comes to installing the oil pump and shaft. That is where I would start.


Get the motor at TDC on cylinder #1. Pull the valve cover to be sure that you are on the compression stroke of cylinder #1. You can determine this by looking at the camshaft. If the two lobes for that cylinder are pointing upward (neither pushing down on the rocker), then you have the engine oriented correctly.


Line up the mark on the pump shaft with the oil hole in the pump. Give the shaft a turn of a couple degrees (check the book for the direction and amount). This will compensate for any rotation when the gear on the shaft intersects with the gear on the crankshaft. Slide the pump and shaft up into the timing cover being carefull not to move the shaft.


When you install the distributor, drop it in place, and then turn the distributor shaft until you feel the shaft drop over the oill pump shaft. That's about it. Your timing should be close now.

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Naviathan, I have the haynes manual, the chilton and the how to rebuild nissan datsun book. Z-ya I have been through all of that, I just went ahead and rotated the distributor drive shaft a few degrees counterclockwise and instead of it being at 11:25, it is now lined up perfectly with the bolt holes on the distributor adaptor and the dist. plate now lines up with the mounting bolt hole:mrgreen: .

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Rotate the engine until you know its at TDC. The best way to tell that is to pop the valve cover and verify that both cam lobes on the #1 cyl are up (pointed sort of up). The timing mark should be on "0" deg.


Now this is from a L16/L18/L20 background, but the L24/L26/L28 motor should be the same: The distributor drive should be: Small side forward (toward raditator), and pointed at 11:25 (like a clock). That is about 2 gear points counter clockwise from 12:00. Some end up at 11:28 or so and think its correct. if yours is not in the right place, drop the oil pump and re-install correctly.


Then rotate the engine to 10 BTDC, or your static timing point, and install the distributor. The 6 point rotor should match up with the 6 point stator, and the top rotor should point at the #1 plug. If not, rotate the whole thing to get it right.

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Thanks MAC510, thats the setting I needed, I cant really start the car as I broke the bolts off into the bottom thermostat housing and had to order another one from motorsport. But, I set the pulley at 10 degrees BTC and turn the dist housing to point at the #1 spark plug wire, do I have it right?

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