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here we go again...


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Of course i win the guessing game, I was the one that posted the darn thing in the first place...Jmortenson, I'm thinking you should get your member status changed to "Wikipedia Overlord" haha, you live on that site dude...something about the lack of any real fact verification bothers me a little bit though, so I can't fully get behind it. "Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that ANYONE can edit..."

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I just look things up there because its convenient. The thing on spontoons I searched on google, found a match and clicked and it happened to be wikipedia. I also use dictionary.com a lot. Hybridz is the same thing though. It's a bunch of us, none of us "certified Z experts" bringing our knowledge to bear. Can you find mistakes here? Sure. Should every post on hybridz be read as gospel. No. Is there more useful info on Z's here than anywhere else on the net? No question.





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I was just joking, I agree that it's expedient to refer to wikipedia, but in my mind I just picture some 14 year old (looks like comic book guy from the simpsons, but younger in my imagination) that may or may not know what they are talking about making up information and typing it in, and now that it's online, it has credibility...at least on hybrid z, we've got a built in BS detector in the form of people who have real experience with what they are talking about and can put the smack down on those who chime in with suspect information. Peer evaluation before publication, so to speak.


(also, isn't funny how the brain works? Maybe it's just me, but since I don't know anybody on this site outside of the forums, I have to associate people's avatars with how I imagine them to look...Grumpyvette's old one of the cowboy with the blade of grass sticking out of his mouth was so perfect for the tone of his comments, I was sad when he changed it...)

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