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Guest AK1RA07

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Guest AK1RA07

I wasnt really sure where to post this.. as its my first post. :D For as long as I've lived in my town this yellow Z car has been sitting at a garage rotting away.. well today I decided to figure out what the story was with it..




Turns out the guy who owned the garage died recently and they started getting rid of all the cars, so I wrote down the VIN and the plate and took it to this police officer at the DMV who happened to know the lady who aquired it from her ex-husband.. and a lien from the garage apparently. So the police officer couldnt get in touch with the woman left my phone number, she said they'd get back to me tonight..


Im lookin to do a LS1 swap ideally, how much do we think I should offer her.. its kinda rusty, and I have no idea of the conditon of the rest of the car.. I dont know a whole lot about these cars, so any input is appreciated! Thanks guys.

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That's a special edition ZAP Z, I think they were only offered in 1977, not sure how many where made. If you see large rust spots on the outside of the car, chances are the frame is shot. Check the frame and floor. This car maybe too rusted for a V8.

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Guest AK1RA07

Ahh, so If I end up getting it, is it blasphemous to ditch that scheme?


Im expecting it to be rusty, but I dunno about the frame, like I said, its been sitting there for at least 5 years..the inspection sticker is from 1990 :P that spot on the hood doesnt appear to be rotted through, just one hole on the front fender looks like it goes through, only about the size of a quarter, everything else looks pretty doable.. Ill go back for a better look and more pictures sometime this weekend.


Anything else I should look for?

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Guest ON3GO

drool ive been looking for one of those for the longest time now :(


hope you build a badass Z with it but atleast keep it looking like a ZAP :D



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Definitely not blasphemous here. Do you like the ZZZAP scheme? If so, keep it. I don't think the Black Pearl or ZZZAP editions raise the value very much (if at all.) If you want to have a totally stock collectable and you're going to sink thousands into restoring it, an early 240Z would be worth more. So do what you like!

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Guest AK1RA07

Yea I don't really care for the theme.. just a plain black or white paintjob would be fine by me.. and I really have no intention of leaving it stock. :mrgreen: Ill keep you all updated.. hopefully I can snag it for a couple hundred.

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Guest AK1RA07

Gotta search for the ZZZap! :P




Its apparently a decorative package they offered only in 77 on the 280.. special mirrors, yellow paint, stripes, and that bitchin Inspector Gadget style rear window jargon.. they even had a videogame based on the car



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Guest AK1RA07

Turns out the owner wants to now keep the car and restore it. :( Theyre removing it tomorrow. At least I wont have to drool over it anymore.

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Boy, same old story. As soon as anyone shows interest in an old car the owner suddenly decides to 'restore it someday'. Go to the Cars in Barns website and you'll see that tired old line a hundred times.



BINGO! It's all the same old story--PATHETIC!! :sour:



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I played that arcade game on an emulator the other day. It's pretty funny. The graphics consist entirely of a row of white pegs that is supposed to represent a road on a featureless black background. You stay between them. The end.


If you hit either side you get a nice big "BANG" or "BAM" on the screen.


Video games sure have come a long way.

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