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maybe there are made in different factorys, i know FHI has many different factorys in different locations, maybe the specs for build were different in japan vs the usa..

my wife works at pacific industries " makes parts for toyota" in usa and japan..and there are noticable differences in the parts made here in the usa, and in japan, lets say a camery rear deck panel, it might have a different look after it was stamped and nuts may be welded a different way...little things, maybe the clutches in the diffs are the same way..

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maybe there are made in different factorys, i know FHI has many different factorys in different locations, maybe the specs for build were different in japan vs the usa..

my wife works at pacific industries " makes parts for toyota" in usa and japan..and there are noticable differences in the parts made here in the usa, and in japan, lets say a camery rear deck panel, it might have a different look after it was stamped and nuts may be welded a different way...little things, maybe the clutches in the diffs are the same way..


Ya, but the 200ZXR which was definately a Japanese model has the same carrier as the USA Z31T, which leads me to believe the skyline is probably the same. It is possible it is not though.

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We're not talking about parts stamped differently. We're talking about completely different clutches. The clutches themselves are different (Z31T has grooved clutches, the others have a flat featureless surface), and there is an entirely different number of them. The interior of the case is different as well. The Z31T has the less agressive ramps and has no limits on how far it can spread the case. The other style has more agressive ramps and actually has stops inside so that the clutch stack can't preload beyond a particular point. Also the Z31T has no thrust washers, and the other one has thrust washers throughout. They're really different internally, not the same part made by 2 different factories.

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