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Does everyone work with atleast one dushbag?


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Sadly he is related through marriage :-|


So a little quick addition shows that's he's cost your dad's company over $40,000 already. Wouldn't it be cheaper to fire his pathetic butt and give him, oh, I dunno, $5000 severance pay?


This is why I am self employed, I work with myself, and those that I chose to work with.


I used to work for Cycle Gear, a motorcycle parts and access retailer. I was with them for about six years. Early on, when I was an assistant manager, I helped hire and interview another guy to be a second assistant. If I had known what a dick he was, I would have blackballed him from the start. He counteracted everything I told someone to do, and he was even rude to customers. One time someone had come in eating some fast food and finished it while in the store. The customer asked if we could throw away the bag and wrapper for them. He said, "actually, no, we don't want any stinky food in here, but there's a dumpster outside at the end of the parking lot, you can just throw it in there."


I about died. The customer stared at him, looked over at me, turned on his heel and left. I bitched him out good for that one.

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Probably showing my age here but.....long ago I read a book called "The Peter Principle" (best I remember). Basically it states that people in their jobs are promoted to their level of "incopentency". IOW they are promoted and their responsibilities increase untill they become incompetent. That is where they remain untill termination or they quit and start over. Explains a lot, huh?


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One thing that's kind of weird is one woman is always talking about her organic herb gardening at home, only buys non-irradiated foods, only eats steamed veggies for lunch, drinks green tea, non-smoker, non-drinker, and yet weighs about 250 pounds....


Where do you work?? This woman works with me as well. The one at my company is actually pretty nice and does a good job but her ideas about medicine and health are very strange.


The douche bag I work with is the ultimate passive agressive. She'll sit there looking you in the face while you explain why something has to be done a certain way and then go do it how she wants anyway. She's also a sales/marketing type so she finds it impossible to tell the truth about anything, I have no idea how she ended up in our engineering department but I'll be very glad when she's gone.



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I worked for a real a-hole several years ago. there was a lady who had come to work in our department, and she did a really good job. At her evaluation he recomended she get a five cent an hour raise even though whe was doing about half his work for him. If anyone had a suggestion to make the department run better, he'd take it to the station manager as his own and get the credit. When he screwed up, he'd pass the blame to anyone he could. This guy pissed me off so bad that when I quit my job I wrote to a neo naxi orginazation and bought a "Hitler was right" bumper sticker and on my last day at work I put it on the rear of his car. He was gone a week later. ;)

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I guess I'm pretty lucky that the people I work with are really great about work. One thing that's kind of weird is one woman is always talking about her organic herb gardening at home, only buys non-irradiated foods, only eats steamed veggies for lunch, drinks green tea, non-smoker, non-drinker, and yet weighs about 250 pounds....


And when your she's at home, she's eating krispy kreme's by the boxfull! LOL 250 lbs being a vegetarian!

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Probably showing my age here but.....long ago I read a book called "The Peter Principle" (best I remember). Basically it states that people in their jobs are promoted to their level of "incopentency". IOW they are promoted and their responsibilities increase untill they become incompetent. That is where they remain untill termination or they quit and start over. Explains a lot' date=' huh?



That is the case here! He wonders why he's not thought of the as the lead tech. Maybe its because he doesn't want to work! He only wants the easy work! He'll never be thought of as a great technician or looked up to by other technicans for advice on how to fix something with the crappy addituted that he has.


The day he gets fired I'm going out and celebrating for sure!:cheers:



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I worked for a real a-hole several years ago. there was a lady who had come to work in our department, and she did a really good job. At her evaluation he recomended she get a five cent an hour raise even though whe was doing about half his work for him. If anyone had a suggestion to make the department run better, he'd take it to the station manager as his own and get the credit. When he screwed up, he'd pass the blame to anyone he could. This guy pissed me off so bad that when I quit my job I wrote to a neo naxi orginazation and bought a "Hitler was right" bumper sticker and on my last day at work I put it on the rear of his car. He was gone a week later. ;)


Your the man! :icon28:

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