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Operation: Camo BRE!

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Since I seem to be in league with Veritech-z, I've decided to pony up the vast sums of cash required for a quality, top of the line, rattle can paint job.

Anyways, I spent $20 this morning on white primer, orange, light blue, and dark blue, all in spray bomb form of course. All this to suppliment my two cans of red and a can of black. Now what is all this for? Well, a picture is worth a thousand words...




So far it is only an illustration, but by tomorrow night it should be a bit more.

Why have I decided this? Well I've got so friggin much body work to do I might as well do a cheapo paint job till I get it all done. So I'm doing it, Like it or not, just keep in mind it's temporary.


Here's the inspiration, the Camo Zzzap:


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Spoken like a true captain in the drift armada. Our motto: "rattle cans are cheap, and we've got nothing better to do with our time." Soon as I get a logo made up, I'll post it up so you can shoot it on there somewhere and represent to the fullest.

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Unforuntely I've got to get ready for work so it aint done, but in another couple of days I can finish it up. I had a snafu with the paint I picked up yesterday, turns out the orange is more of a yellow. So now I'm using Chevy Orange engine paint. Luckily the white primer is working fantastically, it doesn't hide anything, but it does cover very well. I got most of the orange base done and a little of the white ...this may take longer than I expected. Maybe I should have worked on it some yesterday. Oh well, it'll get done sooner or later. My memory and the rest of my brain were not communicating today so I forgot the camera, I'll get some pics next time.

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What's up man?! your losin' 'em! You have to strike while the iron is hot with some fresh pics, or everybody is going to lose interest! You'll end up like that guy that was putting together the mystery Formula D 240z that had like three pages of people asking to see pics, and then he never did, and his car never appeard on Formula D, and now nobody cares...

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Still not done but all I have left to do is the pass side. When I do that I'll take pics and post them. I'm sorry for my horridly slow progress and unbelieveably bad memory that insists that I dont have a camera when I acctually do something worth photographing. but I promise that the pics are coming, soon. I've got tuesday off from work and provided its not raining you'll get your pics!.

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"Chewie, Activate the hyperdrive!" "rawrrrrr!" "Chewie! I said activate the Hyperdrive!"


What a great scene that was, when Chewie was supposed to do something, and Han Solo was all, hurry up, and chewbacca was like: "rawwwrrrrr!" man that was dope...

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  • 2 weeks later...








I still have to do the white on the pass side, but I did manage to steal my friend's camera long enough to snap these pics. The red is acctually far more prominant in real life than these pics. I'm still not sure how much I like the hand cut 240z on the side. I'm probably going to try cleaning it up a bit next time I work on it.


btw, I'm really liking the uniformity of this paint scheme... The whole orange car, green hood was really getting to me...

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