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Back to work with a Bugatti


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Are you starving or actually making a living crewing? It would be the dream of a lifetime for someone who loves motorsports, is not married, and wants to learn a lot about everything racing. Looks like too much fun. Please stop before we ban you out of envy.



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Got some more pictures. I don't do this all the time. They (the team I work for in ALMS) needed some help again, so they called me up. Normally, I'm go to community college, baby sit two 100lb Rottweiler during the week, and work at Starbucks on the weekends. Unfortunately, I do not crew full time, but the guys who do in ALMS usually make a very good living. Depends on the team though.


Enough about that, how about the track? Miller Motosports Park is one bad@$$ race track. The garages are amazing, the facilities are top notch, and you can actually see quite a bit of the track if you're a spectator. I believe there is an amazing viewing area at the end of the front straight, where some of the P1 and P2 cars were approaching 200MPH+. I don't know how many of you know this yet, but I believe it is now the longest raceway in America. Close to 4.5 miles all the way around.


Here's some more pics from the race:


Team is setup and ready to go...only fueler and team manager out on pit lane



Once the car comes to a stop...you can start



The fuel must be completely done with before touching the air jacks to get

the tires changed



Fuel is full, pulling out, and moving the hell out of the way



Mr. O'Connell starting the rolling burnout



Finished with said burnout



Different angle



It was a good race, but boring until the last 15 minutes when one of the P2 Penske Porsches had a fuel pump failure and died right in front of the pits. Full course yellow. Allowed our lead car to get up to 3rd...almost took the White Lightning car for 2nd, but couldn't pull it off. Made for an exciting finish.


If you have any questions, just ask.


Oh...after this, according to Davey, I'm going to have to start looking for another name on here for my new account. I probably won't be allowed back ;)

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Funny story about those bugattis: My dad's boss bought himself one, and his wife thought it looked pretty cool. So he went out and bought her one too. She sat in it once, said:"I don't like it." and never drove it again. This is the same guy that crashed his ferrari enzo (one of 3) showing off going up an on ramp, and then tried to haggle with the insurance company to buy it back for parts. Some people have more money than sense, and I often wonder why I can't be one of them...

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