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2 copperaters and a little rust...


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quoted from My_Air_On_jordans (ebay seller):has a lil rust in some spots due to how old it is, and spokes a lil as well until it get going

I guess his copperaters are a lil rich, that's pobably what causes the car to spoke until it gets going...


Did anybody notice this is a 1970 240sx?

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What I'd like to know is why there are so many people who don't use punctuation now. Half of the ads and posts I read online lately have been without punctuation, and with ridiculous spelling errors. It just makes whoever posted it look stupid. Most of the time I won't even bother with stuff I might have normally either been interested in or wanting to buy, just because of the post.


My wife made a good point - if they can't use punctuation or spell correctly, how can they post in the first place? :-|

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I blame it on the rise of text messaging: the need to keep messages as short and abbreviated as possible to avoid paying extra. That's carried over into the internet, where it's a visual slang I suppose. I know a guy that is perfectly normal when you talk to him in person, but as soon as you open up an email from him, it's like he's straight out of compton with the super gangsta shorthand that is ALMOST but not quite completely unintelligible. Really tripped me out the first time I saw it, but I started to call him out on it right away and he's mostly stopped doing it, at least with me.

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I work for an engineering defense contractor. We have gotten resumes with cover letters written in text messaging/myspace type slang.


Not sure how the resumes even made it out of HR.

:icon52: You gotta be kidding me. That's just amazing.


I guess that makes it easy to weed out the unqualified :icon10:

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Yup... I've seen this in cover letters as well. What amazes me is how little attention these individuals give to the opportunity to sit and interview for a position that is worth $80-125K per year with some of the best benefits in the business... And they wonder why we don't call them in for interviews... :roll:


Word to the wise: Represent yourself as seriously as you want to be taken, especially if you truly want that defense/ cleared job! :lmao:


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