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Chrome Emblems Or Lettering


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I second that!!!! How about HyBridZ:D Makes it suitable for all. Mods what ya think? Is this doable? I guess someone needs to contact the company and ask what prices we are looking at here for a one off custom. A one piece will look much better than single letters!!



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For the "curved" letters it's 2.95 each...


7 Letters, $3 each = $21


Plus the cost of making a new mold (maybe?)

I'd guess About $25 each?

Maybe less if the mold isn't a real expense, or if it's figured into their profits for making 300 of them?


I think we need to get Admin's permission to use the HybridZ Logo, then see what kind of real interest we would have.


I'm sure at least one person here would take a bulk of them to re-sell.

With 5000 Plus Members, I don't think 300 will be too much of a problem to get...

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Remember the individual letters and numbers can already be ordered from 1 inch to over 2 inches tall. Anyone could customized thier own line now. Example Hybrid 240ZGTT383V8Z like HANNS...HAHAHAHAHA. That would break the bank. Seriously even ordering the single letters now like 1 inch letters for HYBRID and then a two inch letter for the Z placed slightly lower on the end to get the effect. I agree with the HybridZ single as well....



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I'd get a one piece too.


This was covered last year or so, but when I saw that site, I was like, "those are mailbox letters from home depot!" I can't believe people would pay for just letters...


If you guys want some temporary badges, get those plastic letters kids play with that have the magnets embedded into the back of them and spray them silver :-)


The shapes they have are pretty cool, how about a Z silohouette with "hybrid"in it somewhere?

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If we get a HybridZ logo, what are the chances of being mistaken for being enviro-friendly?? Because I for one certainly wouldn't want to give off that impression...


On the bright side we can just buy the "Z", and go midnight parts shopping for a "hybrid" logo on more than 1 car now...


This is true. The Toyota Estima here in Japan has a HYBRID emblem already. I need to get it priced this weekend.



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If we get a HybridZ logo, what are the chances of being mistaken for being enviro-friendly?? Because I for one certainly wouldn't want to give off that impression...


On the bright side we can just buy the "Z", and go midnight parts shopping for a "hybrid" logo on more than 1 car now...


Too late! When I was at Honda, we had an employee car show and some lady came up and said, "wow, this is a hybrid?!". I kindly smiled and told her what kinda hybrid, even tho the hood was already up.

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