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Thanks to all our donating members!!


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No kidding, guess I should keep supporting the habbit, huh? You know it's bad when your signifcant other gives you crap about spending more time on Hybridz than her.


My birthday will be at the end of the month, and since I'm in college, I can expect to see a few bucks. Therefore, I'll gladly pass the proceeds on to my addiction.

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zeeboost... Uh... maybe you should re-word your post. I doubt your wifey would like the way it sounds. All you need to do is edit and add the word "with" just before the word "her":wink:


EDIT: Or just change the word "on" to "with":biggrin:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Funny, I was about to post a question about what the donnated monney was for and what was in for donnating members and, boom! I fall on this tread.


As soon as my paypal account is back online, I'll send in a few bucks, probably monday or tuesday. I firast have to settle a the problems that occured after my card was stolen.


P.S.: won't be much, as I have many cards to clear + girlfriend's college loan + the RBZ + the S12 + the RoadMaster + tools for work + ... wow, good thing I don't have any kids. Anyhow, I'll try to make it more than 20.

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  • 11 months later...

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