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Shoe Litter?


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Is it just me or does everyone always see shoes on the side of the road? It seems that whenever I travel I seem to notice a shoe or sometimes even pairs of shoes seemingly discarded on the shoulders of roads. What gives? Are people getting killed on the road and leaving their shoes or do people just like to abandon shoes on the roads?


It's just weird.


Maybe I should just get a cell phone and stop paying attention like everyone else.

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Yeah... that IS weird, isn't it? Maybe Rod Serling is leaving signs of his... visits:eek2:


Is it just me or does everyone always see shoes on the side of the road? It seems that whenever I travel I seem to notice a shoe or sometimes even pairs of shoes seemingly discarded on the shoulders of roads. What gives? Are people getting killed on the road and leaving their shoes or do people just like to abandon shoes on the roads?


It's just weird.

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Well, I've heard of shoe trees but that's taking the term quite literally, eh?


Yup... around here they like to tie tennis shoes together and throw them in the trees.....




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I have heard that too. Something about dealers marking where they sell.


The ones on the side of the road are proabably gym shoes that fell off someone's bike or got stolen from some smaller kid.



Well now my interest is tweaked. I'll ask some of my Law enforcement contacts that one...


I've seen up to ten pairs in a tree, they must be selling out of every window...:-)



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Growing up in the Bronx, I always thought that it was tradition that old sneakers be slung over a power line. I was talking about shoes you find usually on the shoulder of a highway or country road. Most often the shoes are on their side, and single. I never really see any other form of clothing. It's always just a shoe.



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You should set up one of these decoys to film what's going on, then maybe you could get to the bottom of it:


*I found some hilarious pictures of a real deer "getting to know" one of these decoys, but didn't think it was appropriate to post the picture...so here's the link:http://blogidaho.biz/deer3.jpg

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