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Stopped smoking....


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For all of you that have or are in the process of kicking the habit, Congrats! I just wanted to say that I was an on and off smoker for awhile and I am so glad I kicked that habit. However, regardless of what anyone thinks, quitting smoking does not cause one to gain weight. It is usually that one modifies their eating habits after quitting (replacing one compulsion with another) as well as not exercising just as as they did when they were smoking. Because you are now eating, but still not exercising, it stands to reason that one may gain some or alot of weight. Since nicotene is an appetite surpressant and is usually combined with coffee which is also and appetite surpressant and a diuretic it stands to reason that when you quit smoking your body will be crave the food it has been deprived of. The trick is replacing the unhealthy habits with their exact opposites. Replace that cigerette with a water bottle, glass, or mug. I have a professor that does that. Not only do you have something in your hand, but you will be flushing out some of the 40 years worth of toxins built up from those wonderful cigerettes. You are most definatly here for a purpose. I do not believe life is ever spared for no reason! Again I say congragulations!!!


And this is from someone only 24 years on the planet Earth. Topless - very good info and advice!


Larry, I wish you the best - please look to HybridZ when you need the strength to not go to the store and get smokes.


I can only imagine what it's like to quit. I've heard people say it's worse than quitting heroin. I know a bit about that because I had to quit drugstore heroin (Dilaudid) months ago due to my back fiasco, and the cold turkey was horrible. But once it was over (2 weeks) it was over - never an urge to start it again. Quitting smoking means that the urge will nag you for quite a bit longer, so to me that means it's many times tougher!!! Call me when you feel the urge and I'll do my best to talk you down!

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Good job.


Keep busy, chew on flavored tooth picks...



Man, I never have been addicted to cigarettes, but those cinnamon flavored toothpicks come pretty close :mrgreen:


Being somewhat of a compulsive (obsessive/compulsive?) person, I made working out with weights my thing. It's paid off too.


Stepfather died of lung cancer, so I do not have an urge to smoke anything except the occasional tire.


Larry, keep at kicking the habit---there's more to like than cancer sticks! We're pulling for you, man! If you get cranky (more cranky?) on the forum, we'll know what's up :mrgreen:



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When I quit I downloaded a little program (Quit Keeper)that kept track of the length of time, money saved, and # cigarettes NOT smoked. The # not smoked blew me away. @ 25/day 10days = 250, 40days=1000..that's a big pile of tobacco that grows fast!


Hang in there it's worth it and the cravings become less & less.

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Adrenaline rushes are far more addictive then Cancer cookies... and i get mine at $3.00/gal.....



When i Quit (I only smoked for 5 years shh) I would go drive every time i craved really bad.....


and got addicted to Bazooka Joe.... I am now a pack a day chewer >_>

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Good Luck on quitting! My Grandad has smoked since he was about 13 He is 75 now. 62 years, that's a long a$$ time to be smoking and he has tried to quit atleast 5 times with no success, and I am pretty sure he still smokes. My dad and I have talked about it from what we have noticed with people that we know closely that smoke and it doesn't make you die sooner, it just makes you incredibly unhealthy and miserable. I am only 18 and I love to party but I just got back to going to the gym and getting myself back in shape which is a pain due to 2 bad knees from sports and 2 bad shoulders from lifting wrong( I weighed 150 pounds and was benching over 260, the football coach loved me until I quit, then I bought my Z and I've never looked back) but I am making myself not drink for a couple months and hopefully it pays off. Last night was the first night, and wasn't easy but lets see how long I last. But I just think of all the money I will be saving, 2 12 packs a weekend one for Friday and one for saturday thats a good $25 a weekend, all that will be going into the Z instead, or food Gotta eat. Good Luck!

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