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How to Safely PRY HEADS From Block (350 SBC) ???

Guest Mike

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Okay... I DID search for this using “stuck head”, “stuck heads”, “pry head”, “pry heads”, “remove head”, “remove heads”, “removal head”, and “removal heads”. I found two threads dealing with head removal but neither answered my query.



I know this is a "stoopid" question but it's been a quarter century since I've had an engine apart and I've forgotten this.



GIVEN: Iron block SBC 350 with aluminum heads. All bolts, brackets, and headers removed... NO bolts or brackets remain. I've tried brute force (hands only) and a small pry bar to (gently) pry at the intake ports.



QUESTION: How do I safely separate the heads from the block?

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Thanks guys. All the bolts are definitely out and all brackets are off. I'll try the rubber mallet, then a bit harder with the pry bar. I just don't want to damage the heads... they're aluminum.

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To keep from damnageing the heads if you have to pry really hard, put something in between the pry bar and the head. A strip of wood or rubber works good, such as a short piece of rubber exaust hanger. Hitting the heads with a rubber mallet from various directions can help break loose the head gasket. Remember, there are alignment pins that keep the head from actually sliding off when loose, so the direction you're looking for is up. You can also try prying with a piece of wood, it shouldn't damage what you're prying on.

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Thanks!! If the rubber mallet fails, I'll try again with the pry bar using a piece of rubber hose as an insulator.


  eec564 said:
To keep from damnageing the heads if you have to pry really hard, put something in between the pry bar and the head. A strip of wood or rubber works good, such as a short piece of rubber exaust hanger. Hitting the heads with a rubber mallet from various directions can help break loose the head gasket. Remember, there are alignment pins that keep the head from actually sliding off when loose, so the direction you're looking for is up. You can also try prying with a piece of wood, it shouldn't damage what you're prying on.
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Thanks kuntry. I've been considering this but my concern is marring the aluminum head. If all else fails, I'll try this making sure the sharp edge is facing the iron block... away from the head.


  kuntry said:
I had this problem a couple weeks ago with a 454. I ended using a small putty knife, and GENTLY tapping it with a hammer between the block and head. Once the seal was broken it was no problem seperating the heads.
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As it turms out, my tool just wasn't big enough for the job. Where have I heard that before??:icon52:


Anyway, when all else fails... buy a BIGGER mallet. I bought the biggest, meanest rubber mallet I could find and smacked the S#IT out of them!! They came loose after the first smack:mrgreen:



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Well... no S#IT:eek:


  jap tin said:
pull out the spark plug on #4, pour in half a cup of nitromethane, reinstall the plug . make sure the rocker arms are off and hit the starter. Do the same for #5 and both heads will come off.
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I've always wanted to see 25lb aluminum heads flying through the air!


  jap tin said:
pull out the spark plug on #4, pour in half a cup of nitromethane, reinstall the plug . make sure the rocker arms are off and hit the starter. Do the same for #5 and both heads will come off.
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Heh, heh... I sent jap tin an email telling him I DID this:wink: I said it blew the heads off and started a fired in my engine bay. "What did I do wrong?!?", I wrote:eek: Heh, heh... I wonder what he thought when he read it:confused2 :mrgreen:

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