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Machinist in Seattle needed...


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Small lathe job required, should take literally an hour or two. I was complaining about trying to find a shop that would do small projects a while back and someone said that they knew somebody, might have been in Bremerton (?).


I need 4 threaded tube ends like the one in the picture turned down from 1" to 3/4". Just the shank part needs turning, the head can stay the same size, and that's the whole job. I have the parts in hand, just need to find a shop to do the work. Can someone point me in the right direction?



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Come on down to Sandy OR, (just east of Portland), and either Ron Tyler or myself would be glad to help you out. That way we get to meet you in person, help take care of your machining needs and you can look over my race car for possible parts that you may need as it will be coming apart soon...



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