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Got myself a new daily driver!


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Like the title says after not buying a car for myself since "86" I got myself a new, Black 2007 HONDA civic Si.

O.k. guys let the flaming begin:icon54: But i do have to say, this thing can handle! and the power is not that bad. It actually feels alot like my Z, just low on power. :burnout:

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I think that sounds like a good daily driver. Honda's have a bad rep because of young people trying to turn them into something they're not; but they are a good reliable means of transportation. The Si that you got is even a little fun too.



P.S. - My daily driver is a Honda motorcycle and it's still going strong with over 138,000 miles on it.

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zguy95135 Nice, I really like the new Civic Si's. Did you get the leather?


Well it's not Full leather. The seat's have cloth center's and leather bolsters wth red stitching. It's pretty understated. The seats feel just like my SRD recaros in my Z:wink:

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Nothin wrong with a Honda at all. The new SI is supposed to be a mean little sumbitch to. I had one try me in the SHO the other day.. Ok.. well, he didnt try me, I blasted through two lanes of traffic and busted a u-turn so I could try him. It killed me on take-off (bad engine mount, I cant launch the car real hard, lol) and held me about halfway through second. I was getting worried, but I started to walk out pretty good as I wound out second. We did a 60mph roll down the road some (away from other poeple, lol). Was right with me till about 80.. I killed him to about 125.


All in all though, very stout, fun cars and man they sound great. Its gotta be a blast to have 9k RPM's to play in, lol. Got any pics? Never seen the engine bay on one or the interior, lol.

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For the last year my bud and I have had an 89 Civic DX 4 door as a DD. we named him Blinky cause when we bought him he had a Briggs and Stratton tractor headlight RIVITED to the fender where the old light used to be. He looked pretty slick. Wingnut and stud to hold the hood closed. Mangled fender, hood and other assorted bits and bobs. Oh yah, no exhuast past the cat, so it sounds oh so great. No passenger side headrest, lttle holes all along the fender lips where i got bored one day with a nail gun (I didnt know if it would puncture sheet metal.. It will). We routinely hit road barrels, cones and guard rails at speeds in excess of 30mph, dumpsters, herbies, our own cars, whenever we park blinky we run him up and onto curbs, we call it our parking brake. Ahh good times. Oh, super spidered window, completely borked.. Hood flew open at 50mph. The tractor headlight was removed some time ago and we took an 89 Mustang headlight and zip tied it in place.


I will soooo miss Blinky. Still get to ride in him though, Bob drives him every day. He also added duct tape racing stripes and a side exit exhuast pipe.. Ya know, to heat the rear wheel for traction when drag racing.. *cough*. Man, you get some looks in that car when your sitting next to a Cobra R and very seriously trying to get him to race. Sad thing is Blinky has a few kills under his belt.. He actually beats the occasional ricer, its golden.


302k on the clock now. We drove it to 300k, sold it for 100$ to a guy in our auto body class and now he DD's with it. Ever done a reverse burnout in an 89 Civic? well neither have we, cause Blinky wouldnt do it, but buddy, it didnt stop us from trying on a semi regular basis. It seriously felt and sounded like the transmission exploded every time we did it. We also race EVERYTHING WE COME ACROSS in that car, its great.

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I'm so glad to here the stories about how reliable honda's are. That makes me feel so much better that I spent so much on a new one:icon44: I got 100k mile/7 year warrenty with it:burnout: I think I'll be taking it out to willow springs just to see what she'll really do.:twisted:

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Thanks Ron, You know I hate to admit it but I have now 1200 miles on this car, and the more I drive it, the less I'm driving the Z! This car is REALLY fun to drive! But I'll NEVER sell my Z, I put too much blood , sweat and tears into it. They'll have to burry me in it!:wink:

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Thanks Ron, You know I hate to admit it but I have now 1200 miles on this car, and the more I drive it, the less I'm driving the Z! This car is REALLY fun to drive! But I'll NEVER sell my Z, I put too much blood , sweat and tears into it. They'll have to burry me in it!:wink:
You've got the Z back? I must have missed that...I thought it was still at the body shop.
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