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project custom leather sparco covers


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so i got a good source to get custom leather seat covers made. decided to rip off an old sparco sprint cover and send it to them to use as a template for some nice leather ones since the used sparcos i bought was in pretty bad condition and i wanted leather ones anyway =P. we'll they've been sitting in my living room for a month now and its time to put them on :D




new leather seat cover pulled over the seat frame (sorry didnt take a picture of the frame, and too lazy to take off the cover once i did have it on):


old seat cover:


hole punching the bottom with a paper hole punching (try punching through 2 layers of leather 40 times.... i can barely move my fingers now):


clamping on a metal welting so the leather wont rip:


zap strapping the cover to the frame to pull it tight:


finished the strapping:


cutting the holes for the seat belt hole:


final product:







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total cost was $70 cad. for both covers lol. but thats cuz i got them made in china. gave my dad the old sparco covers that i ripped off one of the seat (drove around for 4 months on the frame and foam...) then he went to an automotive seat upholster in china. bargained them down to $70 to make a pair of leather ones. brought it back and installed myself.


otherwise from the upholsters here, it would be $700cad for custom leather ones made from scratch like these.....

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