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Driveshaft to differential bolt size


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I need to replace the hardware for the driveshaft to differential (1975 280z). The bolts & nuts I removed appear to be original factory parts. They are M10x1.25 with a "7" stamped into the head of the bolts and 14 mm heads. With such a weird size, I'd rather just order the new ones from Nissan. The guy at my parts counter struggles with this old stuff, so it's much easier if I can just bring in part numbers.


The slides on carfiche.com say that the parts should be M8x1.25. A few searches lead me to believe that the head size is typically 12mm. This thread: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=97431 suggests that 1975 was a one-year oddball.


Anyone happen to have the correct part numbers for the 1975 hardware?

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I bought mine from a guy on Ebay that allways has them for sale. They are like $9.xx if I remember right.


I will try and find his handle for you and update this thread....


***Edit ***


Here they are... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240z-260z-280z-Driveshaft-Bolts-Nuts-Washers-NOS_W0QQitemZ220045724919QQihZ012QQcategoryZ46102QQtcZphotoQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

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  J. Soileau RB26zcar said:
I can gaurantee they are not 17mm wrench size bolt heads....


Sorry, didn't mean to imply that these were. I meant to say that I'd buy new hardware from a fastener shop if I thought they would fit.


I got a reply back from the seller which says only "10mm." Sounds like this guy can get me what I need. Thanks :D

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What makes you think that is an odd bolt size?? It is ISO standard. why would you pay $9 for a 80c bolt you can get at any fastener place? Regardless of what the manual says if you have 10m/m holes lining up correctly for driveshaft and flange you would n't want to put an 8mm bolt in there. Hole be mighty sloppy at that fit. I'd probably use grade 8 bolts. Why do you think you need to replace them? Bolts in a drivelline fail in shear rather than tension so they only need to be tight enough to not back off.

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That's a lot of questions. To clear something up from the start, I am looking for bolts of the correct (10mm) size. Anything else would be silly and probably dangerous as you note.


Anyway, one question at a time:


1. It's an odd size because apparently z cars from 1970-1974 and 1976-1983 utilized 8mm fasteners for this function.


2. The 10mm fasteners that came off the car aren't exactly off-the-shelf parts. They were 14mm wrench size. Everything I find in 10.9 is 17mm wrench size, which may be tough to work with in this tight spot.


3. I want to replace them because I boogered one up removing it and smooth lost another.


It's all kind of moot anyway. I was ordering some parts from Courtesy yesterday and asked them what's up. $6 or so for 4 of each (bolt, nut and lock washer).

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somehow you are getting confused an M12 bolt has a 17mm hex head. an m10 bolt has a 14 mm hex head. JIS standard (whot the japs use on cars) is the bolt head is 4mm larger across the flats than the diameter of the bolt until you get to 12mm when it jumps to 5mm. This pretty much covers the bolts you are going to find on a Z until you get into the larger sizes like 16mm and up. There are tables on the web were you can view these dimensions or find some one with machinery's handbook. You will very seldom find some sort of custom bolts because they get expensive and confusing. I repeat an m10 bolt with a 14mm hex head across the flats is a standard and easily available bolt. Nissan don't make bolts they buy them from someone. Most bolts you will find are stamped 8.8 because they are hardened.

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Hey roger - I just found this link that helped me understand what you're saying: http://www.boltdepot.com/fastener-information/Metric-Bolt-Head-Size.aspx


It looks like I kept finding DIN bolts. ISO bolts would be 16mm, and JIS would be 14mm.


I am very accustomed to finding specially-manufactured fasteners on my mountain bikes (yes, confirmed with the manufacturer), so it didn't surprise me that I couldn't find what I was looking for quickly.



Home Depot and Lowes have run many of the stores that stocked this kind of stuff out of business around here. The nearest fastener shop to me that stocks a full line of metric stuff is 30 minutes away and keeps regular business hours, meaning I miss work to buy $6 worth of fasteners. At the end of the day, it was worth it to me to pay Courtesy Nissan an extra $1 to sort it all out for me.


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