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Corvette IRS Update

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Guest Anonymous

Boy, I sure stirred up a rattlsnake nest. I meant nothing duragatory, but obviously it was taken so. No, I am not wet behind the ears and hav over 45 years of car building experience. I will not respond in like to your negative comments, but I would like to start over if it make sense.


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I'll be glad to give you a second chance, but I think you should maybe re-think your initial post and say what you really meant. I take it from your signature that you are currently searching for a good replacement rear end for your project and you were hoping that Scottie would have made more progress, No? Trust me, we are all awaiting the same thing. Unfortunately life gets in the way or I would have been able to have my car done for this past April's Desert assault...


Mike Kelly

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Hey second chances are good. icon_smile.gif Sorry to see that you had good intentions and you got jumped all over Steelman, but thinking before you post is a good way to get along here! Try to remember that we're all basically a big family here, and an assault on 1, is an assault on all...

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I agree that we all need 2nd chances; please, in the future-read your post before adding it-All members here are just that...members in search of more power for our Z's & our hobbies are delayed for whatever reasons.


Sometimes we think one way & we end up speaking it in another.., then add the internet where only the words are read while the inference in our voices are not heard; it can really end up causing quite a stir of misunderstandings.


I refrained from coming to Scottie's aid (it was hard not to) but I had hoped you would post a 2nd time claiming no harm was intended: which you did & I appreciate that jesture.


Glad you reposted & I look forward to your progress on your converstion of your Z.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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that steelman guy is a jerk, yeah i know im late. i think this is a hobby for all of us, and i dont think that any of us are getting paid for this, so we do this on our pace, and not the next mans. DO IT TO IT SCOTTIE(take your time though)! icon_biggrin.gif

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I read here all the time to learn. I don't post much but if you have been here 6 months and did not see my post somewhere about IRS being under a Z then you are not searching very hard... Mine was in my car when I got it and I'm one of two people that has given Scottie so information on how ours was done. I think he has done a great job so far and in a very short time. Plus he has cut it down 1.5" per side... I agree with all the other take a chill pill and do think about what you are about to post...


Learn to search you can spend days here reading on one subject... Who knows you might learn a thing or two and never have to ask a question... Plus everyone here has been great about responding to email if you happen to try that option...

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