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man alive why is simple not so


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well got my car really close to driving. all that was wrong is there was not much low end power

its a 81 turbo swap into a 78

i put a greddy style BoV from ebay on and i figured it was leaking air on the low endthen closeing when i built boost and it would make power.


I changed to the stock J pipe with no bov thinking it would fix everything. Well it didnt haha. here we go the thing ran pig rich when i changed the pipe

so i changed the AFM almost 1/3 of a turn. now it ran ok but when i turn it off the afm has trouble opening the flapper when i try and start it up again.

i fiddled with that a bit and the tps got it about good enuf to drive i think

but i know its not going to pass the smog test i guess i gotta check the timing again but i cant change that anyways so whats the point haha

all i want is a smooth power delivery not sure what this post is for but if anyone has any tuning tips that might help im willing to take any haha


im going to have it on the road this week since my ranger decided to blow all its oil out on my driveway god knows how it did it maybe a loose oil filter but i put that on months ago anyone have that? im going to climb under it tommorow grrr and i got robbed last week

good times good times.


a little Z drive would ease all of these pains

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