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FLARES: which ones look good together? Ideas!


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My personal favorite off-the-shelf flare combo would be the rear 280YZ flares matched with the front VB flares

Jay Hitchcock's car


matched with these fronts modified to cover the front tires and a wider air dam:

Mark Rolston's car



Both of these cars are sweet but I think the combo would look incredible!

What combos do y'all like on a Z?

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I think it all boils down to what most folks can afford. Ken Jones and I were talking on the phone the other day about this very subject. It's a royal pain fitting and finishing the flares. Underside work to get the flares to work properly can be very expensive. It's a major process that can be VERY expensive, unless like Rick above (with Porkchop), you do your own work and you have his ability and skill. Hell, doing ZG flares properly can be daunting in and of itself. I almost went with the VB Steel flares, but didn't want to add to the already lengthy process. Of course, now that I've bought a Gnoze kit for the car, I'm second guessing the flares, but I hope the ZG Flares I've made the decision to go with will work well... They don't look like the best solution, but certainly aren't the worst option if done properly!





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I think zcar.com wants their picture back. That's the second time you insert THAT image from their site. Poor zcar.com and their stolen bandwidth.


If you're refering to the pic I posted, that's my car and I own the pic...



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where does one get the yz flares that were pictured in the first post on the gray car?


i looked at rick b's z, and i didnt notice that the YZ's were installed, but he does have the MSA Street flares molded in that i wanted originally.


i'd like to have a combination of the two on my car, sicne I have no choice now, due to body work.


But i'll be making it myself, i just wanna see the flares though

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