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What a crappy day!! that new car isnt new anymore . . .


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Got alota snow today and most of the people here CANT drive in it took me 2.5 hours to get accross the bridge and make the 7km trip to work! I was an hour and a half late (I have to leave an hour early On good days to beat the traffic). ohh but it gets worse... Apperntly it was only going to snow abit today but it snowed all day which made the drive home hell and to avoid an accident at 40k today (some jerkie locked em up on a main drag for no real reason) I slid around him barely missed his truck I dont know how the hell I did but I did almost got it back to and then slammed into the curb DAMN HARD. Sat there for about 30 seconds yelling alota profanities out the window....hehe and then got moving and to top it of the guy that I missed didnt even stop to see what happend just took off.


The front wheel has a six inch section missing out of it now and the tire has since gone flat. I had to drive home with the wheel 3/4 of a turn to the left just to drive straight. And it took just about as long to get home! It was already dark by the time I got in so I wont know the extent of the damage till tomorow altho I can see the wheel is tilted out at the top about 3 inches...


I guess Ill phone the insurance company tomorow see what they can do.

so much for the new family car :fmad::fmad::fmad::fmad::fmad::fmad::fmad::fmad:

(iam fuming mad)

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People drive like crap everywhere. A lot of people don't care about anyone but theirselves. The rest of us much watch out for those jerks and avoid them whenever possible. It's just a fact of life.

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does that qualify for hit and run in your state-----in cali it might--if someone does something that causes you to have an accident, then it is called hit and run--good luck--if that little law is in your state also, then itr might save your insurance from rising for the other guys reason.......?

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If it can make you feel a bit better knowing that there is worst, there it goes.


A few weeks back, we had a guy that came in to pick delivery of his brand new 335 ci (turbo), he seemed so exited that when he drove off, he did'nt notice that there was a stop light comming out off our lot, he just hammered the thing and dove right into traffic, BAMMM, car totaled with a grand total of 11 Km on the counter.

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Thats the nice thing about driving my 'hulk' of a truck. (91 gmc dually 4x4)Most people cant help but see me coming, and tend to pay attention. Aside from that, even IF someone does something stupid, it's not so scarry if you're in a big truck and they're driving a civic or something. :D Anyway, I drive in the snow/bad weather as if I have no brakes and pay attention even more than ussual, but hey.. things happen. Good to hear you're ok though!

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yea well my insurance will go through the roof assuming they cover anything but there refusing to cover any damage because I didnt actualy hit the other car. Basically Iam up Sh*t Creek...


Iam so overly annoyed because I had a beater in the snow and drove Like a total spazzzzzz I had a hell of a great time in that car but as soon as I get a really nice new car I take my sweet time trying to be safe and I crash.................I should chased that dick down and kicked some ass.


oh well they figure 600$ to fix it depending on the extent of the damage.

Ill have to check it out this weekend I might be able to save the labour doing it myself.

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