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Transformers 240Z. Why not...


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"we're not worthy

we're not worthy

we're not worthy"


If we don't get that sticky'ed then I'm gonna have to screen shot that. Very nice tutorial motorhead. I don't even draw and how I want to go get a tablet. Though I AM handy with a mouse...

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Hey Eric, I just googled tablets, and the range of price variation is like $50 to $300...what type do you have? I'm guessing that a $50 one is like a glorified mouse, but do I really need a tablet that costs more than my car? ( I love that I got my Z for $200...I get to say "I didn't pay that much for my whole CAR!" for almost any major purchase)

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That is sweet! I want to see how people graft on parts onto cars. Like you did with those sideskirts for Zr8ed...That stuff is the bomb!!!

I am guessing the method is very similar.



My little(he's actually taller by a lot and I'm 6') brother got a tablet a few years ago and it works great! Just if he will let me borrow it when I leave for school tomorrow...

I think my parents paid like $120 or so for it with some software...It is also pressure sensitive!!

could you do this kin of stuff with the freeware "the Gimp" as I have that and it seems very similar.

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I might start a new thread about how to work on stock photography.


Just use photoshop dude. Photoshop 8 or newer.



YESS YESSS!!! A FAQ/Stickey for post processing using Photoshop for us novice photographers….



Photoshop 8.0 or better eh? DOH. I’ve only got Photoshop 7.0 and it is WAY beyond me. I use Auto Levels a lot, sometimes I’ll play with color balance in the “shadows”, “midtones” and “highlights”, but that is about as far as I’ve delved into it.


Thanks again,

Paul Ruschman

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Just looked.


CTE-430 "sapphire" is what my brother has...

He has doodled with it a bit just doing random stuff...

Like whatever the heck this is...some electric explosion or something.

madewith good 'ol MS paint! He has a lower version of photoshop and has done some really sweet stuff with it!


I've used it a couple times and it is only 5000x easier than a mouse!

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Photoshop 7, optical mouse:


I'm ambivilant about these results, since the levels on the guy are way too bright for the background. But since I F'd up the layers, I got all out of whack with being able to adjust him...I'll keep working with it, I suppose it's really just a matter of experience. Also, there was no source material for this, it was a straight sketch into photoshop. Freehand baby, all the way!

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Photoshop 7.0 is also good...As long as it has the "HISTORY" option.


Why photoshop?

Because, it is one software that allows you to manipulate any photograph in the most professional way but also it is so flexible that you can use it as a sketch book.





In a little sub window within Photoshop 7.0 it has “History”, “Actions”, “Tool Presets” as tabs. Is that what you mean by “History” option? What does that little sub window with those options do for me?

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Wow, is photoshop 8 really that much better? I've had 7 for years (has full history with options for size) and I've been very content with it. When I tried the photoshop CS demo nothing felt right and I had a terrible time trying to use it. So I just stuck with 7.


What am I really missing out on?


Btw motorhead427, I think you joining this site alone is merit enough to get a photo section made. But that's just one man's opinion.

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It`s not all about the history option but also brush/airbrush options are much easier to control with Photoshop 8 ,9 or CS.

As for a tablet I recommend the Wacom Graphire series. Don`t waste your money on those fancy tablets with extra options.

The one thing that helped me use photoshop very efficiently was memorizing "hotkeys". Such as "B" for brush, "C" to crop, Ctrl+T to free transform, Ctrl+L for levels hit TAB to make tool boxes disappear etc etc etc.

I`ve been using Photoshop since 1990 and memorized quite a few Hotkeys.

You should do the same. Memorize hotkeys and get used to using them.


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