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Jackpot! 2 z's.. $200


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So I picked up the z from the garage today, which still isnt running worth a sh*t and called CAA to get the z a lift home, seeing as I'm kind of lacking in the trailer department... Soo, we get the z on the flatbed and are taking it home, and it turns out the driver got asked to take away two 240s from someones "barn" (whatever that might be) around here, but apparently a few weeks ago it was too muddy to get the truck in there. I guess he was just going to take them to the wreckers, although i guess you dont get too much for them since theyre such light cars.. he said he could only get 50 bucks (im not really familiar what they pay for scrap anymore) So, the driver said if he can find the guys number, he'll drop them off at my door for a whopping 100 bucks each.. Assuming he can find the number, id say thats not a bad deal, provided theres still something left of them!

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Well, if the guy went over there and decided it was too muddy for his truck, just ask him the adress and go see the guy yourself. You can the see the cars by yourself and you can decide wether the cars are worth it.


Where in Canada is Brantford???? Cause, if you're not interested, I might.

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yeah as of yet I havent gotten any details per se.. just a lead, so ill give the guy a call next week and see if we can get an address or something definitive.. With my luck, ill probably get there to find two piles of rust and a couple Z emblems, this is canada after all!

ill be keeping my fingers crossed..

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Sounds like piles of rust like you say....maybe a few good interior parts at best and a the motors might be OK...but probably L24.


Canada's weather and old Datsuns were never friends.


BTW - I went to high school in Hamilton and attended the University of Waterloo!



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Dude!! If you can find out where they are, let me know! Most tilt&load trucks SUCK in any sort of mud, cause they're only 2 wheel, and ussually open diffs. Factor in all their weight, and it's a b!tch to get them out once stuck. I've driven my truck through mud and crap that has gotten tow trucks stuck, with no problem. Heck.. I even PULLED a fully loaded 5 ton cube truck out of the mud pit behind my work...(4 X 454 buddy!!!) I'm sure my beast would pull a couple old z's out of a barn... Maybe we could work a deal.. one for me one for you? :P

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yeah the good ol canadian winter definitely has an appetite for old cars, thats for sure...

Once the guy finds me a number or address ill head over to the place and check them out, im not really concerned too much about the shape theyre in, if theyre solid, awesome. if not, theyll probably end up donor cars most likely, we have the space to store them and work on them at least... so im figuring on basically if theyre still there, and theres any substance to them, ill buy them.

Brantford is about halfway between London and Hamilton, about an hour and a half southwest of Toronto

and im not too worried about getting stuck,thanks for the offer though! out of curiosity what kind of a truck is that? The ground has frozen up pretty well around here, and if getting in and out of there is still a problem i have a solution :)

on hand is our ex- canadian military dodge 3/4 ton thats 50 years old but can go pretty much anywhere... its just not too fast though. its geared insanely low, and we've had to use it to pull out tractors and stumps and whatnot, comes in pretty handy around the farm! the thing is a beast, but it does its job well! still has all the weird military accessories on it for blackout driving and fording rivers, its old but its quite the piece of work.

Yasin, you said you went to U of Waterloo? I applied for the aviation course there, just waiting until april/may to see if im accepted.. what did you major in?

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Well, I bought my truck from an old horse farmer. It's a 91 GMC 1 tone dually 4x4 with a 454. Pretty much a brute force and ignorance vehicle.. in 4 low it'll pull the arse hole out of the world... I'm not enjoying the gas milage at this point though, being broke and all... :icon_frow

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