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Must be in the chassis or inputs...

Tony D

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Well, got the box back into the car this morning.


I really like the options availabe in the MSS-E.


I am going to run some datalogs now to figure out what is going on... It's external to the box since Pete ran them in his car. Mine will start and run the car, but gets dropout.


I am back to possibly a heat-induced failure in the Stock 81 CAS unit causing a bad input signal, or corrupted input signal causing strange tachometer workings. I can see it in both the stock tach in the car, as well as on the MT Tach gauge.


But cold, once I get it started, the upper rev ranges are pretty smooth using some of the spark and fuel tables posted in the stickies. The supercharged was too rich down low, but worked O.K. in the upper rev ranges.


Back to input checking... BAH!


On occasion, the fuel pump stays on? Thoughts? I will shut it off, and restart, and the pump will shut off like with the old program. But sometimes it just stays running, and I can head something clicking out in the engine bay---possibly a relay.

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Due to the thing running well for 45 minutes before having any problems whatsoever after Z-Ya cleaned up myn box and verified his car ran on it, I decided that the CAS possibly was the culprit. I re-accomplished some testing this morning, and datalogged it---I saw tachometer irregularities starting at about 35 minutes of runtime, getting gradually worse as the time went on until at 45 minutes it was nothing but a backfiring, popping, stumbling POS---with a fuel pump that stayed on...


So at that point, I dropped the oil pump dsrive spindle out, and converted to the 82/83CAS. I had to reconfigure my spark settings, but that was quick work, and up and running it went.


After an hour of testing, and datalogging to confirm it, there appears to be no troubles at this point. It hasn't run this good since I initially fired it up on the 8X8 tables in late 2002! Apparently the 81 CAS I was using was intermittently failing with the heat. Today it was around 95 degrees F, and the datalogs showed I started with 34C coolant temperature and 32C Inlet air temperature (ended at 82C and 56C respectively...)


So it appears to all be working now. Sage words of advice from Moby's Sticky: START WITH A KNOWN RUNNING CAR. I bought this out of a J/Y with no idea on how it was working at time of junking.

Many thanks to Z-Ya for confirming the box was good, and doing his magical repairs. That put me on to the failed CAS in short order.


Just finding the time to do it was a chore. Now to do my taxes, as I'm off to Timmons Ontario, directly after my stint in Buffalo NY the next two weeks. Won't be back till after they're due! BAH! BOTHER!


Yaay! MS runs again (finally!)

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