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Transverse Link Installation Question

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I'm about to reinstall my transverse links (after a bushing, spindle pin, and strut cartridge change), and am curious about something I read in the FSM. It says to torque the vertical bolts on the inner bushings first, then temporarily tighten the big horizontal bolts (and also temporarily tighten the spindle pin nuts). Put the wheels on, put the car on the ground, and re-tighten the Inner Control Arm nuts (along with the spindle pin nuts).


My question is are they saying to torque them to spec the first time, then re-check them with the car on the ground? Or not torque them completely the first time, then torque them to spec with the car on the ground?


Or maybe I should just ask this way......What's the correct way to do it :ugg: ?


Thanks in advance,


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Leave them just a bit loose so the rubber bushes can center themselves when the car is dropped down to its normal ride height with the wheels on the ground. Then tighten them up to the correct torque, then drive.


Or else leave the car up so you can work under it, then set the suspension as it will be at its normal ride height. Then tighten.

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This method will also prevent the rubber bushings from being twisted (pre-loaded) once the car is dropped down on the suspension. The spindle pins and the control arm pivot tube should be allowed to spin easily inside the bushing until the car is at a normal ride height, and when this is all set and the rubber is still relaxed, the nuts (inner and outer) should be tightened.

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Thanks Guys,


I didn't even think of the "twisting" issue. I was only thinking about the compression of the bushing.....my thought was that the bushings would only compress until the inners sleeves bound against the bolt and transverse link shoulder (or spindle pin on the outer bushings), so I couldn't understand why I couldn't torque them on the shop bench before installing them........I didn't even think about the bushings twisting once the suspension was loaded....makes perfect sense.


Thanks again,


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