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HELP !! lean spike, voltage drop, rise in fuel pressure


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So heres the problem...the car is idling and everything appears to be working fine...All of the sudden it does the following at the same time

Go's lean, voltage drops from 13.4 to 12.5, fuel pressure go's from 48 to 58....all at the same time and then the car dies....and IF it restarts it takes a while. Im thinking trash in the lines somewhere ?


Car 77 280z

megasquirt, 440cc inj, pallnet rail, aeromotive fpr, walbro pump, holset, etc


Any ideas would be appreciated

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obstruction/crimp between fuel pressure gage and fuel injector is my guess.


less flow through injector ->lean

more backpressure -> *indicated* fuel pressure goes up


Unless the gage is mounted on the fuel rail. Then my guess is clogged injector.

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I'm going to be honest, I run SU's so all of this may or may not be relevant.


Does the megasquirt use an injector resistor pack? Just a thought that could be totally wrong or off, but if there were those 'sand ballast' whatever type resistors that would short off on occasion, it could possibly cause that condition where you have less/no activity at the injectors?

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Okie dokie..

That helps a bit.


1) The rise in fuel pressure… Your rise in fuel pressure previously was due to the fact the engine started to run like crap and as result, manifold pressure went way up, i.e. loss of vacuum, hence the fuel pressure regulator not getting a vacuum signal and allowing the fuel pressure to come up to full.


2) In reference to Okimotos question, are you using the stock OE injectors? If so, without the resistor pack, "maybe" there is a chance the high current draw of the stock Datsun injectors is to much for the MS drivers?!? (This is more Mobythevan and Z-ya Pete’s territory, maybe they’ll chime in on that one…)


3) You mentioned a voltage drop in the electrical system. MS does have an adjustment for voltage variations which is there to help keep the “actual” injector pulse width consistent with varying vehicle voltages. It could be that your voltage compensation is either over or under compensating when this voltage drop happens? Of course, the fact that the voltage drop is taking place in the first place needs to be address as well.



After you confirm your injector situation, I’d work on fixing that voltage issue.


Hope that helps…

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Let me give a little background info on the situation.

The car was running like a champ for several weeks. I took the front cover off to fix an oil leak last week, retimed the motor, reset the timing in the megasquirt, started the car and now i have this problem..so nothing has really changed since the car was running great except for resetting the timing (and the timing is correct on the motor and the ms&s. I go from having a great running car to a car that wont hardly start and is missing like crazy when it gets into boost and nothing has really changed. It idles smoothly and runs smoothly out of boost but if i stab the throttle and try to get into the boost it will backfire and start to die out.


Supra 440's


Yes i run a resistor pack


voltage hasnt been an issue thus far and the car WAS running great for several weeks.


after inspecting the fuel system im starting to think its electrical/ms&s related...

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I don't think this happens unless you are running MSII and the flyback but I and others get an occassional PW spike. It happens so fast sometimes it doesn't show on the log but when it does it is like 32ms, very noticable. Anyway, when it happens at idle it kills it.

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