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Weber Carbs sticking


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Need help/advice on my throttle. My throttle linkage or the carbs are sticking open. I can slip my foot under the pedal and pull up to drop the rev's back down to idle. I can't see what or where it's sticking. I've lubed all of the linkage.

Weber 40's

Billet linkage to stock pedal.


Anybody in the San Francisco Bay Area great with Weber's? I confess this is my first set. They came with the z.


Thanks for your help and advice in advance.

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Could be any piece of linkage or even the carpet inside. Why don't you start disconnecting things from the carbs back to the pedal and see which one is causing the stiction? You might also search for throttle cable too. There's a lot of V8 stuff but a few of us have done cable swaps to our triples too, and that eliminates a lot of the issues with bad joints and such in the linkage.

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Throttle linkage can be a bit of a pain. There's little bearings in the mounting brackets and the ball jopints tend to get gunked up bad. Anything on a solid linkage that moves can cause you problems. Switching to a cable is a good idea. In the mean time have someone step on the pedal let it come back naturally and then have them pull it up so you can see what "pops" back into place or shifts. You could also have build up around the throttle plates that's causing them to stick. Only other thing I can think of is get a strong spring on the throttle return.

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