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SMASH BANG CRASH!! New truck for me...


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Well, I'll see if I can get the pics off my g/f's phone, but suffice to say, my truck is probly going to be wrote off. Picked up my girl tonite, we drive a few blocks from her house to pick up a burger and fries for dinner, and about half way back this little old lady decides to pull out and turn left in front of me. I had right of way, (as she was at a STOP sign!) and saw her pulling up.. but I guess she didn't see me..


I don't know HOW you miss a 1 tone dually coming at you..


It looked as if she was going to stay put, but at the last second she pulled out. This is a two lane residential road, and I had no where to go.. When I realized she was doing it, all I could do was jam the brakes and then the horn. Upon hearing a loud horn and 6 screaching tires, she turned to look.. :shock: I have to say, she did the right thing and kept her foot in it, (probly saved her life) but it was too late.. I hit her 300M just behind the rear tire with my drivers side corner, and spun it around like a top. Actually, I pretty much drove THROUGH her car.. didn't change the truck's direction at all, and hardly slowed it down. (I was doing about 45k) Amazing what shear mass will do..


Anyway, I checked the girlfriend and despite doing the ragdoll in the seatbelt, she's fine. Put truck in park, hazard lights on, turn off engine, ect... Then I try to get out... well, no such luck.. It seams the drivers fender has been jamed into the door, and I can't open it. :lol: Ok.. here we go. I calmly roll the window down and climb out. The elderly lady is shaken up, but to my amazement she's fine! She's very upset and sorry for this hassle, ect, but I just told her I'm fine, and vehicles can be replaced/fixed.. no wories. No one hurt, nothing to get excited about.


So the cop gives her a ticket, and me the ladys info for my ins. co. Now, while my truck is still drivable, it looks terrible.. Grill and lights are destroyed and hanging, hood and fender are pushed back/up and the bumper is bent back and up pretty badly. The tilt in the steering column seams to have let go from the impact (wheel flops around) and as soon as I hit the lights, the fuse panel LIT UP bright blue.. (big spark, now NO lights work anymore.) The cop says I can drive it home, but I shouldn't drive it anywhere else.. uh, yah! :roll: I got it home and after a small battle, got the hood open. Rad saddle/suport is bent, rad is questionable (twisted) and I think some wiring may have been pinched/jared cause it sure is runing like a bag of arse! Unstable idle, shaking and gurgling, ect.. ??? A body shop buddy came by to check it out and figures around $3500 to fix just the damage.. never mind the REST of the truck.. :lol:


So seeing that it's a 91 with 360K on it, (I know, not much for a 454), the dually fenders are rough, the tailgate is dented, and the body isn't the greatest, and now it's smacked in the front, I'm pretty sure it's gona get 'tottaled' by the insurance. Only thing now is to see if they try to screw me on a settlement.. The way I see it, this truck was still worth some $$$ and I have to replace it now because of someone else's poor driving.. hopefuly they do something for me.

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as easy as those parts are to find cheap and aftermarket... if it drives straight and you like the truck let them total it and buy it back. It won't bring squat at auction because everything a salvage yard wants is bent or high milage...you'd probably get it back for less than $1000 slap a bunch of sheetmetal on it and a quickie paint and drive it the rest of the way to death!... and have some play money left over if you can do most of it yourself..

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Heh.. yah, what shady said.. :roll: I'm ok, a little stiff.. but my girlfriend ended up at the emerg last night, complaining of a sore neck/shoulder. The doctor checked her out and said she's definatly got some whiplash and should take it easy for the next little while... hopefully no long term issues..


SO... I got ahold of the insurance co. today to, and wow.. I'm gona kill someone I think... First off, there is a little problem with the lady who was driving the ill fated 300 (actually a 2006 btw) acording to my ins. co. they looked up the policy # I got from the cop, but she isn't on the policy?!?! Now, because they can't get their heads out of their own arse, and figure it out (I'll explain) I have to pay OUT OF MY OWN POCKET if I want to get a rental car (as I don't have 'rental coverage' on my policy) and I 'should' be re-imbursed in the end... sure...


I went to the police station and asked some questions, told them my situation, and find out that the car was actually registered to... dum da da dum.. the ladys HUSBAND!! Duh... wow... they can't figure that out?!?!?!


Anyway, by the time I ran around and talked to various idiots on the phone all day, it was too late to even get a rental, and I really don't want to fork out cash from my own pocket anyway! I mean, this whole thing was in NO WAY my fault, and now I'm left without a vehicle. Basicaly, they won't authorize a rental for me till the particulars are figured out, and they need the police report to prove the other lady WAS at fault. (I told them what happened, that SHE was charged with 'failing to yield', ect..guess it doesn't matter though...) So the cops are telling me to talk to the insurance co. and the insurance co. is saying I need to get the police report, and I have a smashed truck in my driveway that I can't drive....... :mad: Yes it is techicaly 'drivable' but with a smushed front end, no lights and a grill smashed to bits, it's just begging for trouble.. and apparently I'm good at finding trouble!


Oh, and my ins. broker has been of little to NO help.. They will take my money evry month for the house/truck policy but if I have a problem, well.. thats not what they do; I have to deal with the actual insurer for a claim.. blah blah blah. So why the hell am I using them? what does it do for me? Heh... I think I'll be changing companies in the near future.


At this point, I wan't rid of it anyway, so I'll get as much $$$ as I can for it and send it off. I don't feel like putting it back together, and fixing the other issues it had/has.. and I wan't something smaller and better on fuel anyway so this seams like a good oportunity to me. :)


PS; No wories Scott, I'm actually a little ashamed that I didn't do it in more so.. but it's defiatly more than a scratch anyway... :lol: I'm gona take a few more tomorrow with a proper digicam if I can, as the cell phone pics arn't very good quality.

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, by the time I ran around and talked to various idiots on the phone all day,


You talk about the same way I do.


One call to a personal injurty attorney will solve all of your headaches. I am not a big fan of trying to cash in after an auto accident but I guarantee you one call from a lawyer and they will sit up and beg howdy.

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Make sure your girlfriend doesn't sign any forms for the old lady's insurance company if they decide it's their fault. The first thing they will do is try to offer a small sum to release them from paying for any physical injuries. You said your girlfriend had neck and back pain. That kind of injury could show up again later. Wait a few months to make sure she's all right, even if it means turning down a thousand dollars for signing release of liabilty documents.

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When they get through tap dancing and make you an offer... No matter what it is refuse it. Start looking right now online and in all the car trader books around town at what it would cost to buy a comperable truck and stick to those numbers. They will try to wear you down but refuse to budge, Tell them you had kept that vehicle in top mechanical shape and spent money you know you can never recoup on upkeep and maintainence and you want a fair market price...not low dollar wholesale and not a penny less. Remember, you are not at fault and you have personal injury on behalf of your G-Friend so YOU are in control. I watch INS Companies push people around everyday and wear them down by not cooperating until you HAVE to settle because you need a car and feel like you just cant win.. Especially when you are not at fault that is simply not the case... And if your not satisfied there is always small claims court against the woman who hit you..

Keep a written record of every contact you make. Every name, time of day, what was said etc. It really solidifies your case when you can state detailed facts or be abke to quote specific individuals when your discussing settlements. Be cool, be patient and you can profit from all of this. get hotheaded and pushy and you'll be lucky to get more than scrap weight...

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Well, I'm tryin to remain calm and not put my foot in my mouth, but it's not too desperate yet; I managed to quick fix the leaking coolant line on the Z, and aside from dumping absurd amounts of oil out the front main seal, it's drivable. ALSO, it is insured by a DIFFRENT company/policy so even if this drags out for a little while, at least I have transportation. If I'm stuck spending some money on a small vehicle that I can't 'work' , I'd rather it be my Z than a pos ford Focus rental heap.. Just hope it doesn't rain too much for a while... (stock Z wipers.. ugg)


As for my girlfriend, she's doing much better today, but we've talked about it and she's got an appointment for the end of the month with her family doctor, so she's NOT signing or accepting anything from an insurance company at this point, no matter what. I did make mention of this situation to my company too (no injurys at the time of the accident, several hours later a visit to the ER, and so on) so it is on record, the day following the crash.


This really throws a wrench in the house/garage renovations right now though, not having a TRUCK.. Grrrrr :mad: Yes, apparently, I WAS 'the guy' among evryone I know who had the biggest/toughest/4x4 pick up. My boss's toyota blew the exhast off yesterday, my brothers chev 1500 (the one I sold him when I got my dually) is only a 2wd AND needs a starter, and my buddys 'dumpkoda' might as well be a little dinky toy.. :roll: Did I mention I have a HUGE pile of scrap wood in my backyard right now, on top of a rotting deck I have plans to tear down? Not to mention the remains of my colapsed protable shed and various other 'scrap yard bound' objects... :lol:


I have already checked out the auto trader as well, and I'm going to print off a few adds to prove what fair market value would be for my truck, before the accident damage. I've already told the ins. people this to, and made it quite clear I'm NOT happy so far, and I'm not going to let them screw me on this if they decide to total it. (nicely of course, no swearing, calm and politely) So far, the only thing close to mine is going for $8000, and thats also the CHEAPEST dually listed. Oh, and there are NO 454's listed right now.. just the diesels. And actually, I HAVE kept it mechanicaly maintained.. Whole new front end, brakes all around, tires in the fall, and I have the bills to prove.


Oh, I got some pics.. I'll post them in a few...

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Heres the chrysler 300 after I 're-aranged' it with my truck..






And how my truck felt about that...






Now.. I know this doesn't really look all that bad.. although, that tow hook USED to be hidden under my bumper. Also, the fender was pushed far enough back that I couldn't get my door open.. and when you factor in this is a 91 with 360+ Ks and the rest of the truck is a little rough, (dually fenders are hurt/cracked, and the passenger side rocker is smacked where I had a run in with a snowbank..) I'm pretty sure they'll want to call it a total loss...

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Heh.. :roll:


Well, I called them again today. I got the voicemail of the claims rep I WAS talking to friday (day after accident) and it says "Sorry, I'm out of the office for the next 3 days, bla bla bla..." So I hit the #1 to get transfered to another claims rep. This lady seamed to know what was going on, and sounded a little confused herself as to WHY there was a problem.. I was not at fault as the other party was charged with failing to yield, other vehicle has valid insurance, ect. I told her that although the police report was not complete yet, that they gave me the registered owners name, and that is the drivers HUSBAND. She says the file stated 'awaiting licence plate search' but she didn't know WHY... I told her I was thinking the same thing...


I also explained AGAIN that I NEED to have a TRUCK!!! This weekend was perfect weather for what I had planed, (yard clean up, scrap yard run, building suplies pickups, ect) and it just didn't happen, because of this issue. Now the weather is getting nice, my yard/house lookes like hell, and the neibours are sure to wonder what the heck is going on.. (and my smashed truck is in the driveway, not really roadworthy anymore!)


I explained that I didn't like the idea of paying out of pocket for a rental truck, and then possibly having another issue later getting my money back for it... so I'd really like for them to get this figured out so I can have authorization to get a rental. She agreed with me, but said there was nothing she could do today.. She said she would check it out though and call the other partys ins. co tommorow and hopefully get this rolling. (gave her my work and cell # again too) Also, she has sent my file to the adjustors, so I should get a call sometime to get my truck looked at. I told her I'd appreciate that, cause if they're gona total it, I need to start looking for something to replace it. If they decide to fix it, (doubtfull I think..) I need to rent something while it's being fixed. Either way, I need a truck/transportation, so the sooner they can appraise it the better. Oh, and it's hard to do any home/yard work with my girlfriends nissan sentra, which I borrowed to get to work today!!!


And it goes on...

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Hang in there. The slow progress is their way of wearing you down so you will settle for anything out of desperation. Be patient and direct but not rude..sounds like your doing well considering it is an insurance company. Get copies of you GF Dr receipts and such and send copies to the womans ins co saying you "just want it filed if it becomes an issue". Makes them think youve got your S*^T together and are in control..

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Just do what my brother did when a lady turned left infront of him and she was clearly at fault. The insurance people had the same line, "well we still have to wait for the police report to see who was at fault". My brothers reply "She already admitted to a cop she was at fault and ya know, i think my neck feels like a lawyer coming on", next day an adjuster called and came out the same day. Six days after the accident he did get a sore neck and back so he collected on the medical too. It's a waiting game so document everything and be patient.

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Well, this is 4 days later and my girlfriend is STILL complaining about her neck being a bit sore. Like I said, it's been noted (the very next day) that she has some whiplash issues following the accident, and has a doctors appointment in a week or so.. We'll see how it goes, but if nothings happend in the next few days, I'm gona start to loose my temper and may have to pull the lawyer card with them. I really don't want to get into a legal battle here, but if it takes threatening that, so be it....

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Tell them that you are going tomorrow to get a rental car and they will be paying for it. If they do not comply, tell them that you will filling a lawsuit for lost wages, because you have no means of getting to work.


I just dealt with this sort of thing. If the person you are talking to is not helpful, ask to talk to their supervisor. Keep going up the chain until you find someone is willing to work with you quickly and efficiently.

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Oh my god, this just keeps getting worse.. I get a call from 'Kim' today (yes, ANOTHER rep) and she tells me that the problem is that the other partys ins. policy # is not valid. :shock: ?!?!?! So I call my local police, and get the # from them.. seams as though some 1's and 7's have been mixed up... :roll: I call back within 20 mins, but of course I get her voice mail. For the next two hours. You guessed it, I couldn't get back in touch with her before she left for the day. (I'm pretty much foaming at the mouth now..) So I hit the #1 to get ANOTHER rep, cause I think this clasifies as urgent now... I really feel like I'm getting the run around..


This one tells me the FIRST rep I talked to , is well.. new. Seriously. Shes 'in training' right now. This 'Kim', is actually in charge of my claim and is overseeing it though. Great. I left her two voicemails within 2 hours, and no call back. I then tell rep #4 the other info I gathered (I keep wondering why I am doing this crap.... isn't it my COMPANYS job?!?!?!) like the other party's address, phone #, proper ins. policy #, and the fact that the police report HAS been completed, so they can damn well get their ass's in gear and ask for it already!!! Also, I was told last friday that a plate search was going to be done, but today (tuesday) is STILL hasn't come back! (because of the problem with the other ins. co #) Um.. excuse me? If the police can run your plate IN THEIR CAR in a matter of minits, why haven't they been able to do this in the 3 buisness days since the accident?!?


Oh, and nothing has been done yet about sending an appraiser to check out my truck. I'll be calling them tomorrow and threatening legal action if they don't start doing their jobs.. And I'm not telling them until this is resolved (my truck fixed, or a decent market value paid out for it) but I will definatly be cancelling my policy and going elsewhere.


Just bugs me to think how much worse it COULD be, juging from this fiasco so far.. what if me or my girl had been seriously injured? Hell, my house is insured under the same policy.. what happens if say.. my house burns down, or the neibours tree falls on it.. ?


Sorry for all the ranting and raving guys, and thanks for all the response and help. :) Guess I'll get up tomorrow and do it all over again...

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I've been fighting a workers comp Ins. battle since July of 2006. I am curently fighting with Ins. over hail damage 2 weeks ago. I ran a body shop for 10 yrs. All Ins is the same... you have to fight it out in most cases to get any fair settlement. It is their job I think to get the best deal for the company...

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