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Offline for a while...


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I'll be heading out tomorrow for a little vacation in Holland. I probably won't be checking in while I'm there, so don't expect to hear from me for a while. I'm from Holland originally...but I haven't been there in about 26 years, so things may be a little different than the last time I was there.


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You'd be surprised they have better internet access than we do. I'm sure we will hear from you from Holland. I was there on business a few years ago. Oh the girls, oh the girls in skirts, oh the girls in skirts on bicycles! Everywhere!


Have fun.

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Here I am in Holland for a couple of days now...and I'm still posting on HybridZ.


There are pleny of beautiful girls here...including one's in skirts on bicycles. Starting tomorrow I will be riding a bicycle around the country as well.

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