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turn signal not working hazards are

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I searched around and found that too much power runs through the system. I dont know anything about electronics. I'm just wondering is my problem different from everyone elses. The signals were working just fine. It rained hard yesterday. After that they stopped working. The hazards work fine. By the way i have a 1973 240z. thanks

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I have a 260 but I think they are all alike. There are 2 flasher units one for the flashers and one for the turn signals. Mine quit working a while ago, ended up running a new hot wire to it.

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look in the ignition/electrical forum.. someone just had a new sticky post added there and it goes over the entire turn signal/hazard system. the 240 is not QUITE the same, it uses different pieces, but the design of the circuit is the same.

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  • 1 month later...

Just a thought....

The turn signals in my 71 240z were working, after it rained, they stopped, same situation, my hazards still worked. I thought it had something to do with the rain. yours might, but mine turned out to be bad relays. as far as i know, hazards bypass the relay. working fine now. hope thats all it is for you.

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