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Chem Dipping


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I am thinking about dipping my chassis. I was wondering if anyone has had any personal experience with chem dipping and how it was for them.


I am a little scared I will only have 2lbs of metal left after the rust is gone:mrgreen:

I am also worried about sealing the hard to reach places like in the rockers. I know eastwood sells a kit for this and I would probably purchase it.


What do my fellow hybridzers think about dipping?

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I works, but if you are in California, you will have a time finding a place to do it. It was once easy to have done for under $500...




"Thank your legislators for protecting the environment so children can eat five pounds of sand per day, every day, for five years...and not have any cancerous effects AT ALL!"


Woo Hoo. If you find a place to do it, let me know! And how much they charge as well!

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There is a place in Windso Ca called NorCal metal stripping (http://www.norcalstripping.com/)

Their web pages says minimum charge for a body shell is $250. Not too bad, I am going to call then and get an actual price for the Z.


How fast do you need to get primer over the metal once it is bare? Pretty quick I would imagine.

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Dom they do actually dip coat some cars. Its really expensive.


I called the guy today and he said its $800 to dip the shell and $800 to prime it. He then tells me that seam sealer, tar, excessive rust or paint will cost more. I talked to some locals who have used him before and they said he is not a real good guy to work with.


Looks like I will be using good old aircraft remover. My dad owns an industrial paint shop so I will just bring the shell down there, load up a pressure pot with paint remover and have some fun :mrgreen:

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